– JTAC and munitions training Hornet –

Attendance: 10 / ∞

RSVP: 22 06 28 - 19:30 (please sign-up asap. Event limited to 8 Hornets) Activity: Training - JTAC, Ground attack Version / Modules: Open Beta, Caucasus, F/A-18C Prerequisites: General knowledge of the F/A-18 Hornet. Rookies will be guided if necessary. * Tanker intercepts and rejoins Jax Tutorial * CASE 1 recovery Wiki Lineup: (F/A-18C Ground […]

Karta- och kompassnavigation för nybörjare

Attendance: 8 / ∞

Även om vi i sällan använder karta och kompass för att hitta rätt på ThT (åtminstone utanför våra propelleruppdrag) så är byggstenarna - fart-och kurshållning & att kunna uppfatta terräng utanför glasrutan alltid nyttiga att öva på. Vi börjar med en kort genomgång av vår wikisida på ämnet varpå jag går igenom hur man praktiskt […]

Training Tuesday

Attendance: 18 / ∞

Everyone’s welcome to this training! Planned Training: CAUCASUS, LIMITED MAP, REALISTIC WX 1. AH-64D Evaluate mission procedures according to TTP: - Startup - Taxi/Takeoff/Landing - Ingress/Egress 2. A-10C II Target practice with mk-82 LD/HD CCIP and Guns 3. F/A-18C (F-16s and F-14s also welcome!) Wingman dogfighting support exercise - Airstart - Pilot 1 starts without […]

Training Tuesday Carrier Qualification

Attendance: 19 / ∞

Time for Carrier Qual Summerburst 2022! Get your shiny anchor or prove that you are still a true carrier jockey! Pilots register with CQ and type of aircraft. LSO register with preferred time of duty. In case of tremendous popularity the quals will be divided into two time-slots, first time-slot with only rookies flying single-ships […]

Training Thursday

Attendance: 7 / ∞

Everyone’s welcome to this training! Open training event to practice what you need. Anything from intricate strikes to touch and go'es or just take off fly around for a bit and come back down. Monitor all the relevant ATC frequencies. Kutaisi Ground and Tower will be manned during 1930 - 2230 Take some time to […]

Training Tuesday

Attendance: 32 / ∞

Everyone’s welcome to this training! Planned Training: 1. F/A-18C Basic formations and air-to-air refueling procedures. 2. A-10C II / AH-64D Night Ops We will go through Night/IR brevity terms and use IR pointer (TGP/JTAC) to mark targets/improve SA. A-10's will also take the opportunity to practice ILS approach/landing 3. TBU Additional Training Suggestions: * Practice […]

Training Thursday

Attendance: 21 / ∞

Everyone’s welcome to this training! Planned Training: 1. F/A-18C Formation rejoins (no prerequisites) Please watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWSQmWQL7K4&ab_channel=JAX We will organize into 2-ships and practice quick rejoins. Summary: * Lead flies 300 kts and maintains a left hand turn (recommend using auto-throttle and Barometic Alt hold A/P) * Wingman flies INTO lead's turning circle, in any way […]

Träningstisdag – CASE1

Attendance: 8 / ∞

RSVP: 22 09 12 – 19:00 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan) Activity: Mission – CASE 1 rehearsal Version / Modules: Open Beta, F/A-18C, F-14B Prerequisites: Good knowledge of the aircraft systems. At least one succesful CASE1 landing beforehand. Case I departures and recoveries are utilized during daytime operations (day […]

Träningstisdag – CASE3

Attendance: 10 / ∞

RSVP: 22 09 19 – 19:00 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan) Activity: Mission – CASE 3 rehearsal Version / Modules: Open Beta, F/A-18C, F-14B Prerequisites: Good knowledge of the aircraft systems Case III weather is any ceiling below 1,000 feet or a visibility less than 5NM. All night operations […]

ATC/AWACS training

Attendance: 28 / ∞

Everyone’s welcome to this training! Basic AWACS and ATC training. We welcome both candidates for the ATC/AWACS course, but we also need aircraft in the air, so that the candidates have pilots to talk to and control. So plan you training flight, sign up, and join us on Kutaisi this Tuesday evening.

Training Tuesday

Attendance: 19 / ∞

Everyone’s welcome to this training! Planned Training: 1. A/A radar F/A-18C kurs F/A-18C radar träning, en fullständig genomgång av Hornet radarn. Olika ACM modes, Hjälmsiktet och hur det kan nyttjas. Prata om hur man ska skjuta flera targets samtidigt, gå genom symboliken på radarn m.m. Kommer även att gå genom hur man låser en friendly […]

Strike Exercise Juno

Attendance: 19 / ∞

MISSION Package strike at Gudauta Airport. Mission start 1400. Weather CAVOK SCT 8/10 FEW/SCT 24/26 Wind Ground 005/5 QNH 29.84 Ramrod GRANDSLICE MOTIVATION Learn to plan your flight accordingly with your tasking and overall package objectives. Execute the flight in a strike package. PACKAGE TASKING F/A-18C Adder1 1-1 Bankler 1-2 Blichten Event 1 DEAD on […]