Carrier Quals

Attendance: 10 / ∞

Planned Training: Carrier Qualifications for F/A-18C and F-14A/B Weather: Clear, calm winds Drop-in from 19.30, if it's crowded (more than 6 active aircraft) come back later Zip-lip, the LSO owns #1 and expects BALL CALLS ONLY Air or catapult start (Cat 1 & 2 only). Unlimited attempts. After take-off, bolter or wave-off, turn RIGHT and stay […]

Training Tuesday

Attendance: 1 / ∞

Everyone’s welcome to this training (but carrier quals is a separate event) Training Mission: (Syria, Clear weather) Planned Training: 2. F-16C - TBU 4. AJS 37 - TBU 5. A-10C II - TBU 6. AH-64D - TBU 7. AWACS/ATC - TBU Additional Training Suggestions: * Practice things in the syllabus for your main aircraft * […]

MEGA Training Thursday – Return of the Rookies!

Attendance: 16 / ∞

Thursday, Feb 20, 19:30 Theatre: Caucasus (Kutaisi) This Thursday evening will go down in history! In order to get all our new (and old!) rookies on-board and up in the saddle, we are hosting this large (but also small... hang in there) training event. We will put effort in the lineup, so that every rookie […]

Flashpoint: Beirut

Attendance: 12 / ∞

RSVP: 25 02 27 - 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan) Activity: Mission - CAP Theatre: Syria Modules: F/A-18C, F-14B, F-16C (others by request) Prerequisites: Basic airfield procedures. Case 1 for Navy. F/A-18C Strike ARCTIC11 (400): ARCTIC12 (401): ARCTIC13 (402): ARCTIC14 (403): F/A-18C Strike BENDER21 (404): BENDER22 (405): BENDER23 […]

Golden Sunrise

Attendance: 4 / ∞

RSVP: 25 02 13 - 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan) Activity: Mission - CAP, Air Interdiction Theatre: Sinai Modules: F/A-18C, F-16C, F-15E, F-14B, AJS 37, A-10C, AH-64 Prerequisites: None F/A-18C Strike ARCTIC11 (400): ARCTIC12 (401): ARCTIC13 (402): ARCTIC14 (403): F/A-18C Strike BENDER21 (404): BENDER22 (405): BENDER23 (406): BENDER24 […]

Another Day in the Storm

Persian Gulf
Attendance: 10 / ∞

RSVP: 25 03 27 - 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan) Activity: Mission - CAP Theatre: Syria Modules: F-14B, F-15C/E, F-16C, F/A-18C Prerequisites: Case 1 for Navy Placeholder for upcoming mission. January 24th, 1991. A week into operation Desert Storm. Thousands of sorties have been flown against targets in […]

Another Day in the Storm – part II

Persian Gulf
Attendance: 4 / ∞

RSVP: 25 04 03 - 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan) Activity: Mission - CAP, Air Interdiction, Strike Theatre: Syria Modules: F/A-18C, F-14B, F-16C, A-10C, AH-64D Prerequisites: Case 1 for Navy Placeholder for upcoming mission. Jan 25th, 1991. The Iraqis aren't done trying to attack the coalition naval force […]

Master Meet – Juli 2025

Attendance: 7 / ∞

Tid: 5 Juli 2025 (Sista anmälan: 5 Juni 2025) Aktivitet: Träff Karta: Skaraborg Kläder: Shorts, valfri längd. Hej på er! Med stort nöje kan Knugen och jag presentera att vi på första lördagen i juli arragerar ett Master Meet på Ålleberg! Ålleberg är ett platåberg beläget ett stenkast sydost om Falköping. På berget anlade den […]