Training Tuesday

Attendance: 18 / ∞

Everyone’s welcome to this training! Planned Training: CAUCASUS, LIMITED MAP, REALISTIC WX 1. AH-64D Evaluate mission procedures according to TTP: - Startup - Taxi/Takeoff/Landing - Ingress/Egress 2. A-10C II Target practice with mk-82 LD/HD CCIP and Guns 3. F/A-18C (F-16s and F-14s also welcome!) Wingman dogfighting support exercise - Airstart - Pilot 1 starts without […]

Training Tuesday Carrier Qualification

Attendance: 19 / ∞

Time for Carrier Qual Summerburst 2022! Get your shiny anchor or prove that you are still a true carrier jockey! Pilots register with CQ and type of aircraft. LSO register with preferred time of duty. In case of tremendous popularity the quals will be divided into two time-slots, first time-slot with only rookies flying single-ships […]

Training Thursday

Attendance: 7 / ∞

Everyone’s welcome to this training! Open training event to practice what you need. Anything from intricate strikes to touch and go'es or just take off fly around for a bit and come back down. Monitor all the relevant ATC frequencies. Kutaisi Ground and Tower will be manned during 1930 - 2230 Take some time to […]

Training Tuesday

Attendance: 17 / ∞

Everyone’s welcome to this training! Planned Training: 1. F/A-18C Practice and development of low-level CCIP bombing profile. Attack profile according to Exhibit A. Flight briefing and attack briefing at TeamSpeak 1930. Loadout: 2x AIM-9X, 2x XT, 4x Mk-82 configured in MTY 2 release mode, 100% fuel. 2. A-10C Basic CAS procedures This lesson will initially […]

THT – Kazbegi Offensive

Attendance: 14 / ∞

RSVP: 220817 - 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan) Activity: Mission - Strike, Interdiction & Escort Version / Modules: Open Beta, CA, L-39ZA, SU-25, Mi-24, UH-1H, KA-50 Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of chosen AC Lineup: (KA-50 Strike/Recon) AKULA21: JackFlash AKULA22: Troll AKULA23: Jinx AKULA24: Insop (SU-25T Strike) ARTSIVI11: Deadgun ARTSIVI12: […]

Training Tuesday

Attendance: 7 / ∞

Everyone’s welcome to this training! Planned Training: 1. F/A-18C TBD 2. A-10C Bad Weather Operations Objective: Deliver the right ordnance at the right time, on the right position. Purpose: Achieve effect on target during limiting weather. 3. AH-64D Bad Weather Operations Objective: Locate, identify and report hostile activity. Mark/Designate target for second element engagement (A-10's) […]

Training Thursday

Attendance: 10 / ∞

Everyone’s welcome to this training! Planned Training: 1. A-10C/AH-64D Joint Operation Objective: Coordinated strike on FOB Purpose: Deny further establishment of enemy units in the area 2. F/A-18C TBD 3. F-16C TBD 4. F-14B TBD Additional Training Suggestions: * Practice things in the syllabus for your main aircraft * Tanker intercepts and rejoins Jax Tutorial […]

Training Tuesday

Attendance: 32 / ∞

Everyone’s welcome to this training! Planned Training: 1. F/A-18C Basic formations and air-to-air refueling procedures. 2. A-10C II / AH-64D Night Ops We will go through Night/IR brevity terms and use IR pointer (TGP/JTAC) to mark targets/improve SA. A-10's will also take the opportunity to practice ILS approach/landing 3. TBU Additional Training Suggestions: * Practice […]

Training Thursday

Attendance: 21 / ∞

Everyone’s welcome to this training! Planned Training: 1. F/A-18C Formation rejoins (no prerequisites) Please watch: We will organize into 2-ships and practice quick rejoins. Summary: * Lead flies 300 kts and maintains a left hand turn (recommend using auto-throttle and Barometic Alt hold A/P) * Wingman flies INTO lead's turning circle, in any way […]


Attendance: 8 / ∞

Activity: Marianas familiarisation, Navigating & landing a propeller aircraft Version / Modules: Open Beta, Mariana, P51, P47, Spitfire, Mossie, Fw190A8/D9, Bf109 Prerequisites: Succesfully done startup, taxi, takeoff and landing at least once in chosen module Färdplan: Start Orote på västra Guam. Övar kortfältsstart sen överflygning av Antonio International och Andersen AFB Fortsätter nordöst mot Rota. […]

Operation Scrambled legs

Attendance: 8 / ∞

On September 28th, the pilots of MASTER ARMS decided to start Operation Scrambled legs. The goal of the operation is to increase the pilot's stamina and ensure that the handful of men who graduate can withstand extreme the g-forces of their office chairs. Operation scrambled legs is a four-week operation where the participating pilots will […]

Training Tuesday

Attendance: 18 / ∞

Everyone’s welcome to this training! Planned Training: 1. F/A-18C Familiarisation flight för nya medlemmar. Grundläggande flygfältsprocedurer samt besök av intressanta platser. Rutt 2. A-10C Focus: - TGP (search patterns, positioning, calibration/settings etc.) - CMS and Missile avoidance practice 3. AH-64D TBU Additional Training Suggestions: * Practice things in the syllabus for your main aircraft […]