Master Arms-Mästerskapen 2023 – Deltävling 1 & 2

Attendance: 11 / ∞

Deltävling 1 Precisionslandning Målet är att landa ert plan så nära den utsatta punkten på banan som möjligt. För att en landning ska räknas ska det vara en fullgod landning - planet ska inta ta skada, ni ska inte studsa upp i luften igen och planet ska efter sättning stanna helt och hållet på banan. […]

Filles Vietnam Campaign De Deux Plus Un, PART 1

Attendance: 15 / ∞

Tid: 18 05 23 - 19:30 (Sista tid för anmälan: 18 05 23 - 19:30) Aktivitet: Uppdrag Plats: Syrien (Vietnam) Typ: UH-1 Activity in our vicinity has been on the rise lately. With many operations being carried out simultaneously high command has decided to set aside a few aircraft for standby duty. Following a received task […]

Master Arms-Mästerskapen 2023 – Deltävling 3

Attendance: 10 / ∞

Deltävling 3 BFM-turnering Vi avslutar årets mästerskap med en PvP-turnering. Reglerna är enkla - skjut ner fienden. Flyg rakt mot varandra vid start och börja svänga efter merge. Fram till och med semifinal är det bäst av tre rundor som gäller, från och med semifinalen är det bäst av fem.


Attendance: 7 / ∞

RSVP: 2023-05-28 - 19:59 Activity: Mission - CAP Version / Modules: Open Beta, WW2 Asset pack, Marianas, Spitfire, Mosquito, P-51, TF-51, P-47, Bf-109, Fw-190A Lineup: Background: In a fictional campaign during WW2 allied forces have recently established a small base on Guam. A detachment of RAF and USAF fighters are tasked with supporting offensive operations […]

Training Tuesday

Attendance: 13 / ∞

Everyone’s welcome to this training! Planned Training: 1. TBU 2. TBU 3. TBU Additional Training Suggestions: * Practice things in the syllabus for your main aircraft * Tanker intercepts and rejoins Jax Tutorial * Tac turns Wiki * CASE 1 recovery Wiki * Overhead break Wiki * Time-on-target Sign up, then organize yourselves into flights […]

Filles Vietnam Campaign De Deux Plus Un, PART 2

Attendance: 21 / ∞

Huey pilot slottar är slut! Välkommen att signa upp som gunner, fast jet jockey eller ATC. Time: 01 06 23 - 19:30 (Last signup time: 01 06 23 - 19:30) Activity: Mission Map: Syria (Vietnam) Available ACFT: UH-1, F-5, P-51 Recommended skin: P-51 Sandy skin The 16th of July 1969, very early morning. Yesterday a […]


Attendance: 8 / ∞

RSVP: 2023-06-04 - 19:59 Activity: Mission - A/G and Escort Version / Modules: Open Beta, WW2 Asset pack, Marianas, Spitfire, Mosquito, P-51, TF-51, P-47, Bf-109, Fw-190A Lineup: Background: In a fictional campaign during WW2 allied forces have recently established a small base on Guam. A detachment of RAF and USAF fighters are tasked with supporting […]

Training Tuesday

Attendance: 7 / ∞

Everyone’s welcome to this training! Planned Training: CET/FIT on Marianas due to Thursday's ThT 1. TBU 2. TBU 3. TBU Additional Training Suggestions: * Practice things in the syllabus for your main aircraft * Tanker intercepts and rejoins Jax Tutorial * Tac turns Wiki * CASE 1 recovery Wiki * Overhead break Wiki * Time-on-target […]

Rotor Wednesday

Attendance: 17 / ∞

Welcome to an evening of tactical PvP. Please remember to set your F10 View Option to either Fog of War or Allies Only before joining. RSVP: YY MM DD - 21:00 Activity: Mission - PvP CAP, CAS Theatre: Caucasus Modules: AH-64, Ka-50_III, SA342, Mi-8, Mi-24, UH-1H, Combined Arms, Any fixed wings for SEAD or support. […]

Operation Straight Flush

Attendance: 23 / ∞

RSVP: 2023 06 08 - 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan) Activity: Mission: Stop the enemy's advance and prepare further steps for a counteroffensive Theatre: Marianas Modules: F/A-18C, F-14B, F-16, AJS 37, A-10C, AH-64 Prerequisites: None F/A-18C CAP ARCTIC11 (400): Leka ARCTIC12 (401): Bouncer ARCTIC13 (402): Frefeh ARCTIC14 (403): […]


Attendance: 7 / ∞

RSVP: 2023-06-11 - 19:59 Activity: Mission - CAP Version / Modules: Open Beta, WW2 Asset pack, Marianas, Spitfire, Mosquito, P-51, TF-51, P-47, Bf-109, Fw-190A Lineup: Background: In a fictional campaign during WW2 allied forces have recently established a small base on Guam. A detachment of RAF and USAF fighters are tasked with supporting offensive operations […]

Training Tuesday

Attendance: 19 / ∞

Everyone’s welcome to this training! Planned Training: 1. F-14A/B Are you an owner of this magnificent cat but don't know how to tame it's claws? Join in on an evening of basic orientation where we give you all that you need to start flying on THT as a wingman in a CAP mission. No prerequisites. […]