
Attendance: 11 / ∞

RSVP: 2024-03-16 – 19:59 Activity: Mission Version / Modules: Open Beta, WW2 Asset pack, Normandy 2.0, Spitfire, P-51, P-47, Bf-109, Fw-190A8, Fw-190D9 Situation: USAAF bomber groups are in the midst […]

Training Tuesday

Attendance: 13 / ∞

Everyone’s welcome to this training! Training Mission: CA_LimitedMap_RandomWX Planned Training: 1. F/A-18C - Buddy lasing procedures in overcast weather 2. F-16C - TBU 3. F-14B - TBU 4. AJS 37 […]

Operation Shadowhawk – CleanUp

RSVP: 2024-03-21- 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan) Activity: Mission - Search & Destroy, SEAD, CAP, Anti-Ship Theatre: Caucasus Modules: F/A-18C, F-16, A-10C, AH-64, […]

Foothold Saturday

Persian Gulf
Attendance: 15 / ∞

RSVP: 24/03/23 - 20:00 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan) Activity: Foothold PG Theatre: Persian Golf Modules: F/A-18C, F-16C, F-15E, F-14B, AJS 37, M2K, A-10C, […]

Training Tuesday

Attendance: 11 / ∞

Everyone’s welcome to this training! Training Mission: SY_LimitedMap_RandomWX Planned Training: 1. F/A-18C - SEAD/DEAD practice with TALD, HARM and JDAM. - Tanker intercepts and AAR 2. F-16C - TBU 3. […]

Operation Balls of Steel

Persian Gulf
Attendance: 36 / ∞

RSVP: 240328 - 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan) Activity: Mission - Strike/AI, DEAD Theatre: Persian Gulf Modules: F/A-18C, F-14B, F-15E, F-16C, A-10C II, […]

Foothold Saturday

Attendance: 11 / ∞

Denna lördag kör vi om det vi påbörjade, omstart och mer structurer. Kommer vara svårare A/G mål.

Propellersöndag – Bootcamp

Attendance: 7 / ∞

RSVP: 24 04 01 – 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan) Activity: Basic practice in props Theatre: Normandy 2.0 Modules: Anything that has a […]

Övningstisdag – VFR Airfield Operations

Attendance: 35 / ∞

Vi börjar 19:30 med en teoretisk genomgång om hur flygning VFR på och kring ett flygfält ska gå till. Vi berör trafikvarvet, olika punkter av intresse kring flygplatsen, flygledningsfraser och […]

Operation Resilience – Four (Olympus test)

Attendance: 34 / ∞

RSVP: 24 04 04 - 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan) Activity: Mission - CAP, STRIKE Theatre: Syria Modules: F/A-18C, F-15E, F-16C, AJS 37, […]

Foothold Saturday

Attendance: 7 / ∞

Fortsättning av PG Foothold!

Perseus Sword, DAY-1


 På grund av sekretess kommer briefen delas ut via discord.  Anmälan sker via länk nedanför. Time: 07 04 24 - 19:30 (Last signup time: 07 04 24 - 19:30) Activity: […]