Training Tuesday

Attendance: 22 / ∞

Everyone’s welcome to this training! Training Mission: SY_LimitedMap_Night Planned Training: We will carry out CET/FIT (Combat Enhancement Training/Force Integration Training) with the aim of increasing proficiency in parts that are prerequisites during the upcoming ThT Op Desert Fury Ramat David: Runway: 09 Depart: Hayim Approach: Rope Park 1. Package NIGHTFIRE - CET/FIT 2. Package REAPERS […]

Operation Desert Fury

Attendance: 39 / ∞

RSVP: 24 03 14 - 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan) Activity: Mission - SEAD/DEAD, STRIKE, Air Interdiction, CAS Theatre: Syria Modules: F/A-18C, F-16C, F-15E, AJS 37, A-10C, AH-64, AV-8 Prerequisites: CASE 3, AAR, good system knowledge F/A-18C ARCTIC11 (400): leka ARCTIC12 (401): Pita ARCTIC13 (402): Colanaktus ARCTIC14 (403): […]


Attendance: 11 / ∞

RSVP: 2024-03-16 – 19:59 Activity: Mission Version / Modules: Open Beta, WW2 Asset pack, Normandy 2.0, Spitfire, P-51, P-47, Bf-109, Fw-190A8, Fw-190D9 Situation: USAAF bomber groups are in the midst of an intensive bombing campaign targeting infrastructure in northern france. Today's mission will be the railway station of Bernay, a crucial stop along the Paris […]

Training Tuesday

Attendance: 13 / ∞

Everyone’s welcome to this training! Training Mission: CA_LimitedMap_RandomWX Planned Training: 1. F/A-18C - Buddy lasing procedures in overcast weather 2. F-16C - TBU 3. F-14B - TBU 4. AJS 37 - TBU 5. A-10C II - TBU 6. AH-64D - TBU 7. F-15E - Runway strike 8. AWACS/ATC - TBU Additional Training Suggestions: * Practice […]

Operation Shadowhawk – CleanUp

RSVP: 2024-03-21- 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan) Activity: Mission - Search & Destroy, SEAD, CAP, Anti-Ship Theatre: Caucasus Modules: F/A-18C, F-16, A-10C, AH-64, F-15E, AJS37 Prerequisites: Basic aircraft knowledge, CASE 1, rookies are welcome to signup (as long as you have done your intro flight). When you sign […]

Foothold Saturday

Persian Gulf
Attendance: 15 / ∞

RSVP: 24/03/23 - 20:00 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan) Activity: Foothold PG Theatre: Persian Golf Modules: F/A-18C, F-16C, F-15E, F-14B, AJS 37, M2K, A-10C, AH-64, UH-1H Prerequisites: None F/A-18C Strike ARCTIC11 (400): ARCTIC12 (401): ARCTIC13 (402): ARCTIC14 (403): F/A-18C Strike BENDER21 (404): BENDER22 (405): BENDER23 (406): BENDER24 (407): F/A-18C […]

Training Tuesday

Attendance: 11 / ∞

Everyone’s welcome to this training! Training Mission: SY_LimitedMap_RandomWX Planned Training: 1. F/A-18C - SEAD/DEAD practice with TALD, HARM and JDAM. - Tanker intercepts and AAR 2. F-16C - TBU 3. F-14B - TBU 4. AJS 37 - TBU 5. A-10C II - A-10 AH-64 6. AH-64D - Carrier Takeoff / Landing - AH-64 A-10 7. […]

Operation Balls of Steel

Persian Gulf
Attendance: 36 / ∞

RSVP: 240328 - 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan) Activity: Mission - Strike/AI, DEAD Theatre: Persian Gulf Modules: F/A-18C, F-14B, F-15E, F-16C, A-10C II, AH-64D and AJS 37 Prerequisites: FL assesses prerequisites and ensures that these are met by the flight Package MAGIC CARPET F/A-18C ARCTIC11 (400): Bouncer ARCTIC12 […]

Foothold Saturday

Attendance: 11 / ∞

Denna lördag kör vi om det vi påbörjade, omstart och mer structurer. Kommer vara svårare A/G mål.

Propellersöndag – Bootcamp

Attendance: 7 / ∞

RSVP: 24 04 01 – 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan) Activity: Basic practice in props Theatre: Normandy 2.0 Modules: Anything that has a spinny thing in front Prerequisites: None   Information Vind: 066/9 Startfält: Farnborough Bana i användning: 240 Genomförande Starta upp och taxa när redo. Stig till 3000 […]

Övningstisdag – VFR Airfield Operations

Attendance: 35 / ∞

Vi börjar 19:30 med en teoretisk genomgång om hur flygning VFR på och kring ett flygfält ska gå till. Vi berör trafikvarvet, olika punkter av intresse kring flygplatsen, flygledningsfraser och så vidare. Sen hoppar vi in i tornet och våra respektive moduler och prövar på teorin i 'verkligheten'. Kutaisi GND, TWR och CTRL kommer att […]

Operation Resilience – Four (Olympus test)

Attendance: 34 / ∞

RSVP: 24 04 04 - 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan) Activity: Mission - CAP, STRIKE Theatre: Syria Modules: F/A-18C, F-15E, F-16C, AJS 37, A-10C, AH-64 Prerequisites: None F/A-18C Strike ARCTIC11 (400): leka ARCTIC12 (401): frefeh ARCTIC13 (402): Enska ARCTIC14 (403): coRb F/A-18C CAP BENDER21 (404): Johnny BENDER22 (405): […]