Propellersöndag Op Vengeance

Attendance: 9 / ∞

RSVP: 23 04 14 - 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan) Activity: Mission - CAP Theatre: Channel Modules: Mosquito, P-51 Prerequisites: General aircraft knowledge […]


Attendance: 11 / ∞

RSVP: 2023-05-07 - 19:59 Activity: Mission - CAP / Anti-ship Version / Modules: Open Beta, WW2 Asset pack, Marianas, Spitfire, Mosquito, P-51, TF-51, P-47, Bf-109, Fw-190A Lineup: Background: In a […]

Propellersöndag V24 – Rhubarb

Attendance: 9 / ∞

Rhubarb: small-scale freelance fighter sorties against ground targets of opportunity. Klockan är 06:30. Datumet är 5e Maj 1943. Låg molnbas ligger över kanalkusten och för med sig optimala förhållanden för […]


Attendance: 4 / ∞

21 Juni 1942 Det är två år på dagen sedan Frankrike kapitulerade, vilket den tyska ockupationsmakten planerar att markera med firande över hela Frankrike. Klockan 13:00 kommer den tyska militärguvernören […]

Propellersöndag V28 – Recover the English pilots.

Attendance: 9 / ∞

RSVP: 2023-07-16 – 20:00 Activity: Mission –  Rescue / A/G Version / Modules: Open Beta, WW2 Asset pack, Normandy, Spitfire, Mosquito, P-51, TF-51, P-47, Bf-109, Fw-190A Background and situation: It's […]


Attendance: 6 / ∞

RSVP: 2023-07-23 - 19:59 Activity: Mission - CAP / Escort Version / Modules: Open Beta, WW2 Asset pack, Marianas, Spitfire, Mosquito, P-51, TF-51, P-47, Bf-109, Fw-190A Lineup: Background: In a […]

Banff Strike Wing: Porsgrunn 30 March 1945

Attendance: 6 / ∞

RSVP: 2023-08-27 – 19:59 Activity: Mission – Anti-ship / Escort Version / Modules: Open Beta, WW2 Asset pack, Falklands, Spitfire, Mosquito, P-51, TF-51, P-47, Bf-109, Fw-190A Background: On 30 March […]

Banff Strike Wing: Oslofjord 7 March 1945

Attendance: 10 / ∞

RSVP: 2023-09-10 – 19:59 Lineup: Mosquito HAMMER 1: 1-1 Knugen 1-2 Apollo 1-3 Urist 1-4 Fille P-51D FORD 2: 2-1 Goofy 2-2 Jinx 2-3 2-4 Spitfire DODGE 3: 3-1 3-2 […]

Operation Swift Lion

Attendance: 7 / ∞

RSVP: 2023-09-24 – 19:59 Lineup: Mosquito HAMMER 1: 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 P-51D FORD 2: 2-1 Troll 2-2 Jinx 2-3 Fretz? 2-4 Spitfire DODGE 3: 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 P-47D […]

Propellersöndag V. 49

Attendance: 8 / ∞

Tid: 10 12 23 - 20:00 Aktivitet: Uppdrag Plats: Syrien (Tunisien) Typ: Alla proppar Krav: Syrien, WWII Assets Pack. The North African campaign is coming to an end. The hun is […]


Attendance: 5 / ∞

RSVP: 2024-03-03 – 19:59 Activity: Mission – Escort Version / Modules: Open Beta, WW2 Asset pack, Marianas, Spitfire, P-51, TF-51, P-47, Bf-109, Fw-190A8, Fw-190D9 Background: In a fictional campaign during […]