JATCO 2022

JAX's Advanced Tactical Competition 2022. Show me what you are made of! Utbildning och anmälan görs här: https://forms.gle/CM6x91iu6H3xVfrLA Training material: Art of the kill - YouTube Dogfighting: Awesome 2 vs 1 tactic! - YouTube Dogfighting: DON'T DO THIS! - YouTube Formation Rejoin in the DCS F-16C - YouTube Advanced Tactical Training Mission Guide - YouTube […]

Strike Exercise Juno

Attendance: 19 / ∞

MISSION Package strike at Gudauta Airport. Mission start 1400. Weather CAVOK SCT 8/10 FEW/SCT 24/26 Wind Ground 005/5 QNH 29.84 Ramrod GRANDSLICE MOTIVATION Learn to plan your flight accordingly with your tasking and overall package objectives. Execute the flight in a strike package. PACKAGE TASKING F/A-18C Adder1 1-1 Bankler 1-2 Blichten Event 1 DEAD on […]

ThT – Operation Roadshow

Attendance: 35 / ∞

RSVP: 2022 10 12-19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan) Activity: Mission – CAP, ASuW, Strike Version / Modules: Open Beta, Syria, F/A-18C, AJS 37, A-10C, F-16C, AH-64, F14, Prerequisites: Basic aircraft knowledge + Night operations. Lineup: (F/A-18C CAP) ARCTIC11 (400): Apollo ARCTIC12 (401): Blichten ARCTIC13 (402): Bankler ARCTIC14 (403): […]


Attendance: 8 / ∞

RSVP: 2022-10-16 - 20:00 Activity: Mission - CAP / CAS Version / Modules: Open Beta, Marianas, Spitfire, Mosquito, P-51, P-47, Bf-109 Lineup: VICEROY1 (Mosquito) WARHAMMER2 (Spitfire) FIREFLY3 (P-51D) STONEWALL4 (P-47D) GHOST5 (Bf-109) BLOODHOUND6 (Spitfire) LONGBOW (GCI) TWOJAR (USMC) Background: In a fictional campaign during WW2 allied forces have recently established a small base on Guam. […]

Training Tuesday

Attendance: 14 / ∞

Everyone’s welcome to this training! Planned Training: 1. F/A-18C A/G radar kurs rörliga mål (Syria map). Komplettera ert modul-val med ”AG”. F/A-18C markradarträning mot rörliga mål som inleds med en kortare streamad genomgång av Hornet markradar där exempelmål slås ut. Genomgång av ATFLIRens olika modes och dess praktiska info samt hjälmsiktet/HUDen och hur de kan […]

The Sarlacci

Persian Gulf
Attendance: 30 / ∞

RSVP: 22 10 20 - 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan) Activity: Mission - CAP, SEAD, STRIKE Version / Modules: Open Beta, Persian Gulf, F/A-18C, F-14A, AJS 37, F-16C, F5, F1, M2000 Prerequisites: CASE 1, AAR and god knowledge of aircraft systems F/A-18C CAP ARCTIC11 (400): Bouncer ARCTIC12 (401): […]


Attendance: 10 / ∞

Early morning over the English Channel..... Escort our bombers on their mission to take out some nazi Das Boots in the town of Dunkirk. Be ready to defeat the enemy in the air as well as on the ground. 1.Take off heading 95 and meets up with our bombers orbeting Hawkinge airfield at 3500ft. 2. […]

ATTMI – Advanced Tactical Training Mission (secondary server)

Attendance: 12 / ∞

RSVP: 22 10 25 – 19:30 Activity: Training – ATTMI (Advanced Tactical Training Mission) Theatre: Caucasus Modules: A-10C, AJS 37, F-5E, F-14B, F-16C, F/A-18C Prerequisites: Know how to deploy sidewinders and bombs Som JATCO fast ingen stream eller kommentatorer. Fokus ligger på träning och balansering av olika moduler. Vi hjälper varandra med taktiker och coachar markanfallen. […]

Operation Caucasus Aegis

Attendance: 26 / ∞

NOTE: CHANGED TIME FROM 19:30 TO 20:00 RSVP: 22 10 26 - 23:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan) Activity: Mission - CAP, Intercept, Air Interdiction, Strike Theatre: Caucasus Modules: A-10C, AJS 37, F-14B, F-16C, F/A-18C Prerequisites: Basic Qualification Equivalent, rookies welcome F/A-18C Strike ARCTIC11 (400): Jasnisse ARCTIC12 (401): Capone […]


Attendance: 11 / ∞

RSVP: 2022-10-16 - 20:00 Activity: Mission - CAP / CAS Version / Modules: Open Beta, Marianas, Spitfire, Mosquito, P-51, P-47, Bf-109 Lineup: VICEROY1 (Mosquito) WARHAMMER2 (Spitfire) FIREFLY3 (P-51D) STONEWALL4 (P-47D) GHOST5 (Bf-109) BLOODHOUND6 (Spitfire) LONGBOW (GCI) TWOJAR (USMC) Background: In a fictional campaign during WW2 allied forces have recently established a small base on Guam. […]

Training Tuesday: Airport Procedures, Mission Procedures and Communication

Attendance: 25 / ∞

Apollo går igenom Airport Procedures, Mission Procedures och Communication med start 2000. Övningen består av ett teoretiskt moment och ett flygpraktiskt moment. Förbered er genom att läsa eller titta på Master Arms material för Mission Procedures. Bilagor:

Training Thursday

Attendance: 12 / ∞

Everyone’s welcome to this training! Planned Training: None, organize yourselves. Additional Training Suggestions: * Practice things in the syllabus for your main aircraft * Tanker intercepts and rejoins Jax Tutorial * Tac turns Wiki * CASE 1 recovery Wiki * Overhead break Wiki * Time-on-target Sign up, then organize yourselves into flights to practice relevant […]