Övningstisdag – VFR Airfield Operations
CaucasusVi börjar 19:30 med en teoretisk genomgång om hur flygning VFR på och kring ett flygfält ska gå till. Vi berör trafikvarvet, olika punkter av intresse kring flygplatsen, flygledningsfraser och […]
Vi börjar 19:30 med en teoretisk genomgång om hur flygning VFR på och kring ett flygfält ska gå till. Vi berör trafikvarvet, olika punkter av intresse kring flygplatsen, flygledningsfraser och […]
Everyone’s welcome to this training! Training Mission: SY_LimitedMap_RandomWX Planned Training: 1. F/A-18C - TBU 2. F-16C - TBU 3. F-14B - TBU 4. AJS 37 - TBU 5. A-10C II […]
Everyone’s welcome to this training! Training Mission: Syria, Random WX, Night Planned Training: 1. F/A-18C - TBU 2. F-16C - TBU 3. F-14B - TBU 4. AJS 37 - TBU […]
Everyone’s welcome to this training! Training Mission: Syria, daylight, clear weather in the forecast Planned Training: 1. F/A-18C - Tactics and weapons employment vs fast patrol boats - BVR practice […]
Everyone’s welcome to this training! Training Mission: Caucasus, clear skies in the forecast Planned Training: 1. F/A-18C - TBU 2. F-16C - TBU 3. F-14B - TBU 4. AJS 37 […]
Everyone’s welcome to this training! Training Mission: Syria, clear weather in the forecast Planned Training: 1. F/A-18C - TBU 2. F-16C - TBU 3. F-14B - TBU 4. AJS 37 […]
Everyone’s welcome to this training! Training Mission: SY_LimitedMap_RandomWX Planned Training: 1. F/A-18C - TBU 2. F-16C - TBU 3. F-14B - TBU 4. AJS 37 - TBU 5. A-10C II […]
Everyone’s welcome to this training! Training Mission: CA, weather forecast says overcast and rain Planned Training: 1. F/A-18C - TBU 2. F-16C - TBU 3. F-14B - TBU 4. AJS […]
Everyone’s welcome to this training! Training Mission: Marianas Planned Training: 1. F/A-18C - TBU 2. F-16C - TBU 3. F-14B - TBU 4. AJS 37 - TBU 5. A-10C II […]
Everyone’s welcome to this training! Training Mission: Syria, random weather Planned Training: 1. F/A-18C - TBU 2. F-16C - TBU 3. F-14B - TBU 4. AJS 37 - TBU 5. […]
Everyone’s welcome to this training! Training Mission: (e.g CA, Random WX, Night) Planned Training: 1. F/A-18C - TBU 2. F-16C - TBU 3. F-14B - TBU 4. AJS 37 - […]
Carrier quals for F/A-18C and F-14B Training Mission: CA, static weather Planned Training: Drop your volleyballs, get that baby oil off your clean-shaven chests and start your engines! This will […]