Latest Past Events

Operation Cookie Crumbles


Military Briefing Units Available: 2 x A-10 4 x Apache (full crew required) 2 x Kiowa (full crew required) 1. SITUATION Yesterday: The enemy launched a rocket attack on our forces stationed at FOB Whiskey. Enemy Forces: Intelligence has identified three rocket artillery (BM-21 Grad) units south of the city of Khirbet Ghazaleh, south Syria, […]

Shit Hot Summer Break


Carrier quals for F/A-18C and F-14B Training Mission: CA, static weather Planned Training: Drop your volleyballs, get that baby oil off your clean-shaven chests and start your engines! This will be a carrier qual with emphasis on speed. Shit Hot Breaks are not only allowed, they are encouraged. One pilot per aircraft type will be […]

Operation Breaching-Tower


Operation Breaching-Tower 3 x AJS37 Viggen, 4 x F-4 Phantom, 4 x OH-58 Kiowa 1 x Mission Commander / Intelligence analysts Objective: The primary objective of Operation Breaching-Tower is to conduct a precision strike on Krymsk Airforce Base. The mission will target and neutralize enemy bombers, transport planes, helicopters, and SAM defenses identified during Operation […]