RSVP: 24 11 21 – 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan)
Activity: Mission – CAP, SEAD, Air Interdiction, Strike, CSAR
Theatre: Syria
Modules: F/A-18C, F-16C. F-15E, A-10C, AH-64D, CH-47F
Prerequisites: None
The Syrian counteroffensive has been weakened but not defeated. Front echelon Republican Guard units are now receiving reinforcements from lower-tier units. FEBA is PL DELTA in AOA NORTH and PL CHARLIE in AOA SOUTH.
We have taken significant losses and several pilots are MIA but this is not the time to grieve. Anything and anyone that still flies is getting airborne today. The next 2 hours will decide the fate of this operation.
Southern and Eastern Syria
* May 16, 2010
* 12:00 local time
* BKN/12, FEW 36/38, SHRA
* Wind From 258 / 6
* FORCE QNH 2992 / 1013
Mi-8, Mi-24
The SyAF is no longer capable of fixed-wing operations but several transport and attack helicopters are supporting their offensive.
T-90, T-72, BMP1, BMP-3, SA-8, SA-13, SA-15, SA-19, MANPADS, ZSU-23
The SAA Republican Guard spearhead consists of T-90 and BMP-3 vehicles. Rear echelon and reinforcements are mainly T-72 and BMP-1.
The SAM threat is weakened but still significant with a few high-tier SA-15 and SA-19 units still on the battlefield.
1st Armored and 3rd ID are rolling out from DAMASCUS to take up defensive positions near the airport and on or near PL ALPHA
2ID have 2 SBCT “LANCER” in the hills north of Damascus for early warning and detection. These units will remain stationary unless directly engaged by the enemy.
108th ADAB has set up a Patriot battery near Damascus Intl.
The Marine Expeditionary Unit has a HAWK battery near Al Qusayr
No civilian air traffic expected
Defeat the SAA counterattack between DAMASCUS and PALMYRA
Maintain air superiority over the AO
Locate and Destroy SCUD-launchers
Perform CSAR if possible
The SAA counteroffensive will be met by 1st Armored Division between Phase Lines Alpha and Bravo. Rotary wing units will provide close in support in AOA SOUTH.
Fixed wing will strike armor and air defenses from Phase Line Charlie and beyond. Navy is mainly responsible for AOA NORTH and remaining logistics sites. Air Force will hold AOA SOUTH.
THOR – F/A-18C (PL Bouncer)
PUNISHER – F-16C (PL Pahi)
GUARDIAN – A-10C, CH-47F (PL Baconbomb)
WOLVERINE – F-15E (PL Ulvar)
Arctic1 and Bender2 depart Mother.
All other flights take off from Damascus Intl. Departure order not specified.
Rearm / refuel at Damascus Intl as needed.
As per SPINS
NO restrictions on cluster munitions
As per SPINS
* Depart
* Proceed to AOA North
* Engage hostile forces north of PL CHARLIE
* SEAD as needed for self-protection
* Provide CAP vs enemy helos
* Secondary objective: Re-attack on FENRIR and LOKI
* Rearm/refuel at Damascus Intl as needed
Loadout: FL decides (CAP, SEAD and A/G)
Indy9, Jester1 and Venom4
* Depart
* Proceed to AOA South
* Engage hostile forces north of PL CHARLIE
* SEAD as needed for self-protection
* Provide CAP vs enemy helos
* Rearm/refuel at Damascus Intl as needed
Loadout: FL decides (CAP, SEAD and A/G)
* Depart
* Proceed to AOA South
* Engage hostile forces between PL ALPHA and CHARLIE
* Rearm/refuel at FARP or Damascus Intl as needed
Loadout: FL decides
1. TBD
* Greyhound embarks infantry standing by at parking
* Depart east
* Proceed to IP, avoiding battle area NE Damascus
* Push at your own discretion
* Secure area around the downed pilot, deply infantry as needed
* Retrieve pilot and return him to Damascus Intl
Loadout: FL decides
1. IP
2. CSAR area
* Depart north
* Ingress west of battle area
* Locate and destroy SCUD-launchers
* SEAD as needed for self-protection
* Secondary objective: Re-attack on FENRIR and LOKI
Loadout: FL decides
1. TBD
* Damascus Intl
* TCN: 36X
* Active runway: 23L and 23R
* Departure Fixed wing: Right turnout for 23R and Left turnout for 23L, climb to 1500′ AGL (3500′ MSL)
* Option for 23L: Straight out, climb to 5000′ AGL on runway hdg
* Departure Rotary wing: Do not cross runways. Head East until DME 2.5, remaining below 600 ft AGL.
* Approach Fixed wing: Request either straight in or OHB (right OHB for 23R / left OHB for 23L)
‘ Approach Rotary wing: Allowed on radials 060 thru 180, stay below 600 ft AGL from DME 2.5
* Rearm/refuel for 23R: Taxi to REARM MID (stand 201-202)
* Rearm refuel for 23L: Taxi to REARM SOUTH (stand 29-32)
* After rearm/refuel request new departure and taxi clearances
Crimson3 – stand 21-23 + 33
Dusty4 – stand 24-27
Greyhound3 – Taxiway between stands 1-4 and 5-8
Hawg8 – stand 404-410
Hitman3 – Stand 601-604
Indy9 – Stand 302-305
Jester1 – stand 109. 112, 114 and 301
Rage9 – Taxiway between stands 1-4 and 5-8
* CASE 1
* BRC: 294
* Departure time: 12.15
* Charlie time: 14:20
As per Carrier Ops SPINS
As per Aerial Refueling SOP
* Mission commander is STINGRAY
* Mission commander deputy is ARCTIC11
As per Comms SOP
As per Authentication SOP
6, 7, 9, 3/5, 7
Contact Ground (ch 6) on startup, Tower (ch 7) for departure. [Check-in not in use] Expect Tactical (ch 3) for THOR and WOLVERINE, CAP A (ch 5) for PUNISHER and TERMINATOR, or CAP B (ch 10) for GUARDIAN. Use Tower (ch 7) for recovery at Damascus or Marshal (ch 16) and Carrier Tower (ch 1) for Mother.
16, 1
Use Marshal (ch 16) and Tower (ch 1) for recovery.
* TANGOUNIFORM – Mission declared successful
* NIGHTFALL – Abort mission
N 34 34.00′ E 38 18.00′ (Palmyra)
Annex 1 – Global AO
Annex 2 – Southern AO