RSVP: 23022 – 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan)
Activity: Mission – Strike, Escort
Theatre: Syria
Modules: F/A-18C, F-14B, AJS 37, F-16C, Mirage F1
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of selected aircraft, CASE1 for F18/F14
Following a coup in Syria by a hardline faction of the Syrian military, Israeli intelligence assess that a Syrian attack on Isreal is being planned. The decision has been made to launch a surprise attack on Syrian airfields, decimating the Syrian air force’s ability to launch attacks of their own for the foreseeable future. The attack will be conducted together with US Navy aircraft operating out of the eastern mediterranean and AJS-37s operating out of Cyprus.
Notes –
1. The mission is set in 1983, and any weapons entering service after that date are prohibited. Otherwise, each FL is responsible for choosing the loadout they believe to be most suitable.
2. To reduce the risk of detection, the mission will be executed in complete radio silence, from the very start. No radio transmissions are to be made between flights, packages or between GCI/Flights, with two exceptions – a) GCI may issue a ‘NIGHTFALL’ call, in which case all flights are to abort and RTB and b) If you need to alert another aircraft of an urgent threat, such as an hostile aircraft or a MANPAD launch. Flights/Packages must therefore ensure that ALL members of their package understand what the plan is beforehand. Note – intraflight communication (within the same group) is permitted, either on Simple Radio or TS, and each flightlead decides whether they want to use this or go radio silent. IRL, hand signals can be used which isn’t possible in DCS. Radio silence is maintained until landing.
3. Each flight lead (or package lead) will be responsible for planning their loadout, waypoints, fuel and attack on their own, and if two flights in the same package plans separately they need to ensure that they are aware of each other’s gameplan. Again, no clarification can be done once spawned in.
South- and northwestern Syria. Terrain mostly flat desert, with a coastal mountain range.
* July 07 – 1983
* 06:30 local time
* Scattered (7500′-11500′)
* Wind 268 / 6 knots at ground, 268 / 14 knots at 1600 feet.
* QNH 2992 / 1013
MiG-21, MiG-25
MiG-21s & MiG-25s have been reported. Only few aircraft on training sorties are expected to be airborne.
ZSU-23 Shilka, MANPADS, SA-2. AAA and MANPADS are expected at all targets. SA-2s are expected covering major cities and possibly at airfields, and it is recommended that all flights fly no higher than 300 feet AGL to reduce risk of being spotted by SA-2.
N/A, we are the only blue forces in Syria.
Expected around major civilian airports, all bogeys must be visually identified before engaging.
The attack will consist of three packages launching a simultaneous strike on three different Syrian military airfield. Priority targets are aircraft on the ground, runways and other airfield infrastructure in that order. All already airborne Syrian military aircraft may be engaged.
Inflict maximum possible material damage on the Syrian Air force.
Friendly radar coverage over Syria is limited, especially at low altitudes. Do not expect to rely on GCI once over the border. Monitor the package channel regardless in case of NIGHTFALL.
The mission contains 3 packages with the following division of aircraft:
‘Hammer’ – Mirage F1, F16, based out of Ramat David, to target Khalkhalah Airbase in Southern Syria
‘Mace’ – F14 & F18, based out of the USS Abraham Lincoln, to target Shayrat Airbase in Western Syria
‘Lance’ – AJS37, based out of RAF Akrotiri, to target Abu al-Duhur Airbase in Northern Syria
Each package is to commence their attack on their designated target at 07:45LT. It is critical that all aircraft in each package adheres to this time on target, as if one package is to early the Syrian air defenses on other airfields will be put on high alert, thus endangering the other packages. All packages are to cease their attacks and RTB no later than 07:50.
Weapons free on all aircraft in the air that have been visually confirmed to be Syrian Air force. Weapons free on all aircraft, ground equipment and other ground targets on or around each target airfield.
As per SPINS
Loadout: FL decides
Waypoints: As per FL planning
Loadout: FL decides
Waypoints: As per FL planning
Loadout: FL decides
Waypoints: As per FL planning
* CASE 1
* BRC: 264
* Departure time: As per FL Planning
* Departure sequence: As per FL Planning
* Charlie time: 08:30
As per Carrier Ops SPINS
BRC: 264
As per Aerial Refueling SOP
* Each package is led by a package lead. Due to enforced radio silence and poor radar coverage, no centralized control can be effective. Flights are to monitor the package channel at all times.
As per Comms SOP
* NIGHTFALL – Abort mission. May only be given by GCI
N 42 15.00′ E 42 03.00′