2025-01-26 – 19:59
Mission – CAP
Version / Modules:
Open Beta, WW2 Asset pack, Marianas, Spitfire, Mosquito, P-51, TF-51, P-47, Bf-109, Fw-190A8, Fw-190D9
In a fictional campaign during WW2 allied forces have recently established small bases on Guam and Rota. A detachment of RAF and USAF fighters are tasked with supporting offensive operations towards Tinian and Saipan islands in the north. US and Japanese naval forces are maneuvering around the Mariana islands and a major naval engagement has just started with raids from carrier based aircraft.
During the night and early morning US marine infantry and artillery units landed on Aguijan, the small island south of Tinian (grid FQ). Your job is to provide fighter cover over the island while they are digging in. The enemy was taken by surprise, but will surely react on this new threat with all available resources. It may be useful to bring light attack weapons in case the Japs will try to approach with small boats. The marines have setup a Bofors 40 mm battery on the south side of Aguijan.
Time and weather:
* June 1944
* 07:30
* Clear
* Wind 280 / 07
* QNH 30.11