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2024-10-03 @ 19:30 - 23:00

May 11, 2010


Package ANVIL



Second day of the campaign. The ground offensive in our AO has slowed down near PL SIOUX where the SAA 7th Armored Division have successfully concealed themselves in the villages and forests. US 2nd Infantry Division is planning a flanking maneouvre to cut off their logistics

USMC MEU is established on the western shores, moving inland toward Al Qusayr and Hama.

Air superiority has been achieved. No SyAF sorties have been flown in the past 12 hrs. They still have airframes but no operational air bases. Air threat is currently rotary wing only (Mi-8 and Mi-24).

Long-range SAM systems have seen a 90% attrition. One SA-2 remains in Sayqal and an SA-11 recently came online in Palmyra. Other than that, only SHORADS remains in the AO.

Hours ago, INTEL uncovered plans to dismantle a WMD-related research installation in the Damascus University area. Important equipment, and possibly personnel, are being moved to Palmyra. This operation was previously unknown to us. That they were conducting research into fissile material in a densely populated area is disturbing, to say the least. The prospect of them getting away is unimaginable. This equipment is the very reason why we are at war. Package ANVIL assembled to complete the following


  • Locate and Destroy the WMD convoy before it reaches Palmyra.
  • Assist SOCOM raid on Damascus, clearing the path for SEAL TEAM THREE. Prevent SAA 4th Armored Division from mounting a rapid counterattack.



Aircraft: 2-4 flights of FA-18C and 1-2 Flights of F-16C (exact availability is subject to change). 1x CH-47F.

If required, CAP support (F-15C) can be called upon from Saudi or Cyprus.

Tankers: 2 x KC135 (one Navy, one AF) with HAVCAP support at your disposal, specify desired tracks.

CVN-72 will operate in the Eastern Mediterranean, off the coast of Lebanon. Mission start is 16:30 local time.

Jordanian air base King Hussein Air College is at your disposal. Operations begin at 16:30 local time.

Patriot batteries defend King Hussein Air College and Ramat David.



Mission details

WMD Convoy – Precious Cargo

Earlier today, INTEL got word of a convoy carrying WMD research equipment and possibly fissile material (U-235, Pu-239) assembling in Damascus. Convoy composition in ANNEX 2. Judging by intercepted orders to local police and military units, we have identified their likely route which ends in Palmyra. The destruction of this convoy is now our number one priority.

The possible presence of radioactive isotopes means we can’t strike anywhere near civilians. Intel has determined the lowest risk area to be Highway 53 between grid CT34 and CT67 (ANNEX 2). Any contamination there will only affect empty desert. Ideally, the strike should take place in grid CT56 – NAI KILLZONE – but you are also authorized to strike in adjacent grids CT45 and CT67. Precaution: After strike, due to possible contamination do not fly below 3000 ft AGL downwind from the targets.

The convoy will likely be escorted by SHORADS (SA-8 and/or SA-13). We also have indications that the remaining SA-2 in Sayqal and an SA-11 in Palmyra are on high alert with a direct line of communications to the convoy. If an incoming strike is detected, the convoy may hide in built-up areas. This rules out the use of UAV:s. SEAD vs these SA-sites is, of course, permitted but be advised that their destruction will alert the convoy and thus should be closely coordinated with the strike (not before the convoy enters grid CT45).

Prior to your strike, as long as the search radars are active, remain low level within 30 nm of Sayqal and/or Palmyra.

The convoy was spotted by SEAL snipers as it passed the northern outskirts of Damascus. They estimated its speed to be around 40 MPH. At that speed, the convoy should enter KILLZONE around 18:00 and exit it around 18:15.

Known long-range SA-threats:

Palmyra SA-11 N34 33.110’ E38 18.848’ elev 1244 ft

Sayqal SA-2 N33 40.17’ E37 12.79’ elev 2274 ft


  • Destroy WMD Convoy as it passes through NAI Killzone or adjacent grids. TOT 18:00-18:15.
  • Report FALLOUT on complete destruction of the four trucks.
  • Secondary targets are any APC:s in the convoy, as they may transport personnel vital to the WMD operation.


Mission Details

SOCOM raid on Damascus

The Syrians are obviously dismantling their WMD-related research and development efforts in Damascus. When completed, the equipment will probably be scattered all over the country, making it impossible for us to locate. Unfortunately, the ground offensive is still a long way from Damascus, meaning this operation will have to be conducted as a quick raid. Insertion by air is deemed impossible, since there are numerous SHORADS in and around Damascus. Instead, a SEAL team will be airlifted into the mountains north of Damascus and proceed from there. The Chinooks can only carry light armored vehicles, so the SEALs will be seriously outgunned if armor is encountered. Package ANVIL is tasked with clearing the path for the SEALs. Known SAA positions are marked on the map (ANNEX 4). Each position consists of 2-4 armored vehicles, some with sandbag emplacements. Unknown number of infantry. Possible presence of MANPADS.

SEAL team, designation Lima One, consists of one platoon (16 operators) with a total of 2 Strykers and 4 Humvees. They will reach the ingress area NLT 17:30. Awaiting BULLDOZER before advancing to target area.

A single Chinook pilot, Mustang1, has volunteered to fly into the city in an effort to retrieve seized research equipment. This is, obviously, a high risk proposition. ANVIL must destroy known SHORADS and AAA along planned ingress and egress routes. Coordinate with Pilot in Command to decide the need for SEAD.

Known SHORADS sites as of 2 hrs prior to mission start:

SA-8 Damascus North: N33 31.922 E36 16.417 elev 3679

SA-8 Mezzeh: N33 28.154 E36 12.127 elev 2349

SA-13 Mezzeh: N33 28.563’ E36 14.244’ elev 2303

SA-8 4th AD: N33 30.301’ E36 11.596’ elev 3369

SA-8 Qabr As Sitt: N33 27.292’ E36 21.708’ elev 2118

SA-8 Marj Ruhayyil: N33 16.382 E36 27.737 elev 2157


SAA 4th Armored Division is located just west of Damascus, near Mezzeh air base. They have not been targeted for any strike missions yet, so what forces they have not deployed in theater are probably intact. If scrambled, they could mount an overwhelming counteroffensive that would annihilate the SEAL team. ANVIL is tasked with destroying the three exits from 4thAD:s underground garage (ANNEX 5) and any armor already present above ground.



  • Destroy SAA positions LEAR, EDWARD and HENRY NLT 17:45 local time. Report BULLDOZER on completion. Coordinate with SEAL team Lima One on Freq 269.00 (#13)
  • Strike secondary targets LIZZIE and MARY if able
  • Retrieve WMD-related material captured in the raid
  • DEAD as required, coordinate with Mustang1 Flight Lead
  • Strike SAA 4thAD. The three exits from the underground garage must be hit with penetrating munitions. Any armor already parked above ground must be destroyed. Report DUREX on completion




Strike known roadblocks in Damascus. Report BULLDOZER on #13 to initiate ingress for SOCOM team LIMA ONE.

  1. IP (30 nm SW of Damascus)
  2. MARY
  4. LEAR
  5. HENRY

Deconfliction: INDY9 has A25


Destroy WMD convoy. Report FALLOUT on confirmed destruction of all four trucks. Optional SEAD against SA-2 Sayqal.

  1. KBX (Center of NAI KILLZONE)
  2. SA2 (Sayqal)



SEAD in the Damascus area

  1. 8DN (SA-8 Damascus North)
  2. 8MZ (SA-8 Mezzeh Air Base)
  3. 13M (SA-13 Mezzeh Air Base)
  4. 84A (SA-8 4th Armored Division)
  5. 8QS (SA-8 Qabr as Sitt Air Base)
  6. 8MR (SA-8 Marj Ruhayyil Air Base)

Deconfliction: BENDER2 has A27+



Destroy SAA 4th Armored Division garage exits and any armored vehicles already above ground. Report DUREX on success.

  1. 4AD (SAA 4th AD Garage area)

Deconfliction: CRIMSON3 has A26



Retrieve any WMD-related material found by LIMA ONE. Coordinate TOT with LIMA ONE and rest of PKG ANVIL on #13


  1. LAKE (Ingress – small lake 30 nm SW of Damascus)
  2. AL-DIMASS (Ingress – south of Al-Dimass, 9 nm WNW of Damascus)
  3. QUDSSAYA  (Ingress – Qudssaya, 5 nm NW of Damascus)
  4. VALLEY  (Ingress – Valley between Presidential Palace and Tomb of the Unknown Soldier)
  5. TGT (Target building in Damascus)


ANNEX 1 – Invasion plan

ANNEX 2 – WMD CONVOY as seen passing northern outskirts of Damascus.

Composition: 1x T-72B, 1x BTR-80, 2x Trucks 4×4, 2x Trucks 6×6.

ANNEX 3 Named Area of Interest: KILLZONE with Highway 53 Highlighted

ANNEX 4 – Northwestern Damascus with named target areas

Ingress point for LIMA ONE

Target buildings for LIMA ONE 

ANNEX 5 – SAA 4th Armored Division (Center of circle N33 30.36 E36 12.07’ elev 3317)


19:30 - 23:00
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