RSVP: 23 07 13 – 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan)
Activity: Mission – CAP, SEAD, STRIKE, BAI and Anti-Ship Strike
Theatre: Marianas
Modules: F/A-18C, F-16C, F-15E, F-14B, AJS 37, A-10C, M-2000C, AH-64, Ka-50 III, UH-1H
Prerequisites: None
Due to the US and NATO being forced to tie up more resources in the war in Europe over the last few month, Last week, China began an operation in the Pacific Ocean. During the weekend the islands of Saipan and Tinian were captured and during the night to today an attack was launched against Rota.
Mariana Islands
* July 13 – 2023
* 06:00 local time
* Light Scattered (7000′-8000′)
* Wind 245 / 8
* FORCE QNH 29.72 / 1007
Z-10, J-11A, JF-17, Su-27, Su-30
ZBD-04A, BMP-1, Type 59, ZU-23, SA-2, SA-10, SA-15, HQ-7
CTF 101.70 stationed at Andersen AFB
CTF 101.72 located south of Guam
Alpha Coy ORCA6 and SALTY1 stationed at FOB ROMEO (SW part of Rota)
Bravo Coy stationed at Rota Intl. (No contact since 122330 local)
Charlie/Delta Coy and HQ stationed at Andersen AFB
Unknown, Residential areas should be avoided if possible.
Delay enemy reinforcement on Rota
Neutralize all enemy units on Rota
Supress/Destroy enemy SAM-systems on Tinian and Saipan
Mission is complete when all enemies on Rota are defeated and the enemy no longer have the strength to carry out further attacks towards Rota.
HUNTER (Anti-Ship strike)
* CYLON5 (Lead)
Initially one flight strikes enemy convoy north of Rota, Two flights supresses enemy SAM systems at Tinian and Saipan, Three flights attack enemiy positions on Rota and one flight strikes enemy C2 position. Stage ends on “AURORA”
Then one flight heads to tanker/begins TARCAP over Rota/continues to strike enemy positions on Tinian, one flight heads to tanker then continues to strike enemy positions on Saipan, one flight continues to strikes enemy convoy north of Rota, Three flights continues to attack enemiy positions on Rota and one flight flight continues to strike enemy C2 position. Stage ends on “NIGHTFALL”
Finally all flights RTB
As per SPINS
As per SPINS
* Stay at least 10 nautical miles off Rota’s coast unless cleared with CYLON51.
* Report according to brevity to CYLON51.
* Takeoff Andersen AFB
* Locate and delay convoy. Estimated to leave Tinian at 0600 local and arrive Rota at 0930 local.
Loadout: 2xRB-15, 2xRb-74
Waypoints: –
* Takeoff Andersen AFB
* Establish comms with SALTY1 and ORCA6 on Ch3
* Defend FOB ROMEO
* Neutralize enemy forces on Rota
Loadout: 8xGBU-12, 1xGBU-24, 2xAIM-120C, 2xAIM-9M, 2x Fuel Tanks, NAV and TGT POD
1. Andersen AFB
2. CP
4. VFR Entry North
* Takeoff CVN-72
* Locate and silence SA-2 site on Tinian.
* On “AURORA”, Head to tanker/begin TARCAP over Rota. Report established on Ch3 to CYLON51
* When refueling complete, maintain TARCAP over Rota and destroy remaining SAM units on Tinian.
Loadout: –
1. Tinian Intl.
* Takeoff Andersen AFB
* Locate and silence SA-10 site on Saipan.
* On “AURORA”, begin TARCAP west of Rota. Report established on Ch3 to CYLON51.
* When CRIMSON3 reports “established”, Head to tanker, then return to TARCAP east of Rota. Report established on Ch3 to CYLON51
1. Saipan Intl.
* Takeoff Andersen AFB
* Fly to target area via WP2/6 to avoid enemy SAM systems
* Locate and engage target at WP4
* RTB via WP6/2
Loadout: –
1: N13° 35.100ˈ E144° 55.942ˈ 545ft
2: N15° 08.000ˈ E144° 18.800ˈ 25000ft
3: N17° 39.000ˈ E144° 44.000ˈ 25000ft
4: N18° 07.500ˈ E145° 45.500ˈ 0ft
5: N17° 04.000ˈ E145° 27.000ˈ 25000ft
6: N15° 08.000ˈ E144° 18.800ˈ 25000ft
7: N13° 39.200ˈ E144° 51.600ˈ 545ft
* Andersen AFB
* TCN: 54X
* Active runway: 06
* Departure TBD
* Approach via North VFR Entry Point
* CASE 1
* BRC: 094
* Departure time: TBD
* Departure sequence: TBD
* Charlie time: TBD
As per Carrier Ops SPINS
As per Aerial Refueling SOP
* Mission commander is CYLON51
As per Comms SOP
As per Authentication SOP
7, 3, 7
Remain on Tower (ch 7) during startup and departure. Go to Tactical (ch 3). Use Tower (ch 7) for recovery.
1, 3, 1
Remain on Tower (ch 1) during startup and departure. Go to Tactical (ch 3). Use Marshal (ch 16) and Tower (ch 1) for recovery.
* AURORA – Stage 1 complete
* ARIEL – Convoy delayed
* MULAN – SA-10 silenced
* MOANA – SA-2 silenced
* JASMINE – HQ-7 site destroyed
* POCAHONTAS – Strike on C2 position completed
* BELLE – All enemies on Rota defeated
N 14° 07.050ˈ E 145° 07.330ˈ
v. 1.1
– Added intel on Saipan/Tinian
v. 1.2
– Removed empty flights
– Removed Package “PROTECTOR”
– Updated mission objectives and order of events
– Added flight taskings
v. 1.3
– Added tasking visualization
– Changed tasking for HITMAN3 to correct tgt WP
– Added Lirc to CRIMSON3 flight
– Updated tasking for CRIMSON3