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Operation HAWK

2023-11-30 @ 19:30 - 22:00

RSVP: 2023-11-30 – 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan)
Activity: Mission – SEAD, Strike, Recon, Escort, CAP, Air Interdiction
Theatre: Syria
Modules: F/A-18C, F-16, F-15, F-14B, A-10C, AH-64
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of selected aircraft, AAR, CASE1 for F18/F14

LINEUP LIMITATIONS AND PREFERENCES: ARCTIC: 3-4 pilots, BENDER: 3-4 pilots, ELVIS: 0-2 planes, INDY: 3-4 pilots, HAWG: 2-3 pilots, HITMAN: 1-3 planes (2-3 if not escorted by ELVIS), RAGE: 2-3 helos.
Alternate objectives (Most likely DEAD) will be added if slots are filled.


F/A-18C SEAD/Recon ARCTIC11 (400): Johnny ARCTIC12 (401): Sahlinho ARCTIC13 (402): STRAFFAN ARCTIC14 (403): coRb

F/A-18C Strike/CAP BENDER21 (404): Leka BENDER22 (405): Fretz BENDER23 (406): frefeh BENDER24 (407): Bankler

F/A-18C Strike/CAP CRIMSON31 (410): Bouncer CRIMSON32 (411): Jazz CRIMSON33 (412): CRIMSON34 (413):

F-14B Escort/CAP ELVIS51 (100): Nillefix / Troll ELVIS52 (101):

F-16C SEAD/CAP INDY91: Mags INDY92: pahi INDY93: Ulvar INDY94: OviDiuS


A-10C Air Interdiction HAWG81: Kingtiger HAWG82: Decoy HAWG83:

F-15E Strike HITMAN31: Agaton / DeadGun_SWE HITMAN32: WeX / Creedarn HITMAN33:

AH-64D Air Interdiction RAGE91: JackFlash / Moldy RAGE92: Arco / drsås RAGE93: Asken / BFQ

M-2000C DEAD/CAP reserv QUEBEC81: Fille QUEBEC82: Chewie QUEBEC83: Goofy QUEBEC84:

AWACS STINGRAY: Apollo / Urist

Airport Ground: SirToadie Tower: SirToadie Control:

Carrier Marshal: Tower: LSO:


1.1 Overview

Our special forces are keeping the close proximity cleared from enemy Air to Air weapons enabling us to deliver a HAWK system in an more offensive position to put pressure on the terrorists in the region. But be sure that the enemy is lurking in the shadows and throughout our convoys trail. Its also reported that the terrorists top leader is on the move this morning making him a prime target. At the same time we will cripple enemy airfields and their defensive forces in the area to be able to put this plan in effect.

1.2 Area of operations

SYRIA in MGRS zones BS-DS and BT-DT. The grounds are moustly flat desert and inhabited areas.

1.3 Time and weather

* Jun 01 – 2021
* 06:10 local time
* Scattered (8000′)
* Wind 003 / 7
* FORCE QNH 2992 / 1013

1.4 Air threats


MiG-29 have been reported. Expect main threat from closest enemy air bases, located throughout the mission area. Intel estimates that the Terrorist Air Force will have routine defencive (Will react if threatened) CAP over target area and will launch an unknown number of fighters in short succession from bases close thoughout our area of operations.

1.5 Ground threats

T72, BMP, BTR80, SPAAA ZU-23, SA11, SA10, SA2, Manpads, Scout HL, Infantry

1.6 Friendly forces

Our friendly convoy. Other than that we are the only blue forces in the AO.

1.7 Civilian/3rd part

No Civilian air traffic is reported.


Disable the air defence (SAM) in the AO. Disable Runways of Marj Ruhayyil airfiel, Mezzeh airfield and their defensive troops. Escort convoy to its final destination. Locate and eliminate VIP target.


3.1 Commander’s intent

Destroy all primary and secondary targets in the AO.
All flight s are ordered to remain in mission area after primary and secondary target strike for further tasking if able.

3.2 Packages

The mission contains 2 packages, callsign WOLFPACK and CAYOTES.

3.3 Order of events

1. Gather flights at their Hold Points (Exceptions: JESTER, CRIMSON and QUEBEC that are not necessary for our First Strike). RAGE holds at friendly convoy. HAWG holds 5nm north of their north primary target.
2. At codeword FIRESTARTER from mission commander on TACTICAL flight ARTIC starts suppressing their primary target (SA2) with TALDs.
3. INDY pushes from North Hold Point and attack their primary target (SA2) to create a safer path for RAGE and HAWG and if able their secondary target (SA3) to create space for CAP A. Use leftover munition against SA6 site.
Report HOMERUN on TACTICAL to signal that primary area is “safe” (from SA2) for RAGE and HAWG to advance. Report FREEPLAY on TACTICAL to signal that the secondary SA site (SA3) is disabled making CAP A safe from ground fire. Upon completion take position at CAP A.
4. HITMAN and ELVIS pushes from South Hold Point towards the primary VIP target search area.
Report COFFIN on TACTICAL when VIP target is eliminated.
TACTICAL NOTE: VIP target is moving towards enemy SA10 site. Dont linger.
5. At codeword HOMERUN flight BENDER pushes from North Hold Point to strike their primary targets (runways). Upon completion take position at CAP B.
Report PAVEWAY on TACTICAL when Runway at Mezzeh airfield are disabled. Report ROADRUNNER on TACTICAL when Runway at Marj Ruhayyil Airfield are disabled.
TACTICAL NOTE: Upon attacking enemy troops of any kind the enemy will attempt to launch more fighters from their airfields including (and most important) from Mezzeh airfield and Marj Ruhayyil Airfield. Therefore timing our attack is mission critical (!).
6. At codeword HOMERUN flight ARCTIC recon their area to defend to make sure that no enemy troops reaches our convoy and its escort (RAGE).
7. At codeword HOMERUN helo RAGE escorts friendly convoy containing an HAWK system to its final destination.
Report ROCKETMAN on TACTICAL when HAWK system is in place (May take a minute or two).
TACTICAL NOTE: Stay low and close to our convoy. The area is still considered hot and the enemy has manpads lurking in every corner. Our convoy may also be considered a prime target for an ambush if its escort are to far away.
8. At codeword HOMERUN flight QUEBEC attacks their primary targets. (At codeword FREEPLAY flight QUEBEC attacks their secondary targets)
9. At codeword HOMERUN flight JESTER and/or CRIMSON (If available) attacks their primary targets and targets of opportunity. Report SHORTSTOP on TACTICAL when primary targets are eliminated.
10. At codeword HOMERUN flight HAWG attacks their north and south primary targets.
Report DIRTPILE on TACTICAL when Mezzeh airfield cleared are from enemy troops. Report TRASHCAN when Marj Ruhayyil airfield are cleared from enemy troops
TACTICAL NOTE: The runways of Damascus airfield will be disabled by our special forces troops and are considered a no factor. However some enemy ground troop may still be active in the area but they are not a target of interest.

Thoughout the mission our enemy are sure to launch fighters after our first strike. First priority is to make sure RAGE and HAWG are kept alive to be able to escort our conwvoy and to clear out those primary airfields.

Execution grouping: 1, 2, 3-4, 5-10.

3.4 Rules of engagement

As per SPINS

3.5 Acceptable level of risk

As per SPINS

3.6 Flight tasking

* Depart from CVN-72
* Hold at North Hold Point at 26000’
* Suppress SA-2.
* Recon area to defend (5nm radial from WP) to make sure that no enemy troops reaches our convoy and its escort (RAGE).
* RTB on order from STINGRAY
* Refuel if neaded at ARCO1, ARCO5 or SHELL3

Loadout: 9X, 3xTALD, FT330, AIM-120C, FT330, AtFLIR, FT330, 2xGBU-12, 9X

1. North hold point
2. Primary target (SA2)
3. Secondary target (Center of Recon area to defend).

* Depart from CVN-72
* Hold at North Hold Point at 24000’
* Push on HOMERUN
* Destroy Primary targets.
* Report in to STINGRAY for CAP tasking at CAP B
* RTB on order from STINGRAY
* Refuel if neaded at ARCO1, ARCO5 or SHELL3

Loadout: 9X, 2xAIM-120C, FT330, AIM-120C, FT330, AtFLIR, FT330, 2xGBU-38, 9X

1. North hold point
2. South primary Target (Runways of Marj Ruhayyil airfield)
3. North primary Target (Runways of Mezzeh airfield)
4. CAP B

* Depart from CVN-72
* Hold at North Hold Point at 18000’
* Push on HOMERUN.
* Attack primary target (Arty) located on Convoys final destination.
* Report in to STINGRAY for CAP tasking
* Remain on station until ordered to RTB by STINGRAY
* Refuel if neaded at ARCO1, ARCO5 or SHELL3

Loadout: 9X, 2xAIM-120C, FT330, AIM-120C, FT330, AtFLIR, FT330, 2xGBU-12, 9X

1. North hold point
2. Primary target (Arty)
3. CAP A
4. CAP B
5. Center of Recon area to defend

* Depart from CVN-72
* Hold at South Hold Point at 28000’.
* Push on HOMERUN
* Escort HITMAN.
* Report in to STINGRAY and standby for CAP tasking
* Remain on station until ordered to RTB by STINGRAY
* Refuel if neaded at ARCO1, ARCO5 or SHELL3

Loadout: 9M, AIM-54C, FT300, AIM-54C, AIM-54C, AIM-54C, AIM-54C, FT300, AIM-54C, 9M

IP – South hold point
ST – VIP search area

* Depart from Ramat David
* Hold 5nm north of your north primary target.
* Push on HOMERUN.
* Eliminate all enemy units at North and South primary Target area included the (hopefully) stranded MIGs.
* If ordered by PL, help defend our Convoy.
* Remain on station until ordered to RTB by STINGRAY

Loadout: 2xAIM-9M, Litening, 3xAGM-65H, LAU-131 LGR, , 3xLAU-131 LGR), 3xAGM-65H, LAU-131 LGR, ALQ-184

1. BE
2. Safe Hold Point
3. North primary Target (Enemy troops at Mezzeh airfield)
4. South primary Target (Enemy troops at Marj Ruhayyil airfield)
5. Convoy start position
6. Convoy final destination
7. Ramat David (HB)

* Depart from Ramat David
* Hold at North Hold Point at 22000’.
* Push after TALDs from ARCTIC are in effect.
* Attack primary target (SA2) to create a safer path for RAGE and HAWG and if able your secondary target (SA3) to create space for CAP A. Use leftover munition against SA6 site.
* Report in to STINGRAY for CAP tasking at CAP A
* Remain on station until ordered to RTB by STINGRAY
* Refuel if neaded at TEXACO2

Loadout: AIM-120C,AIM-120C,HARM,FT370,Litening,ECM-pod,HSM,FT370,HARM,AIM-120C,AIM-120C

1. North hold point
2. Primary target (SA2)
3. Secondary target (SA3)
4. Backup target (SA6)
5. CAP A
6. BE

* Depart from Ramat David
* Hold at North Hold Point at 20000’.
* Push on HOMERUN.
* Attack primary target (Arty) located on Convoys final destination.
* Report in to STINGRAY for CAP tasking
* Remain on station until ordered to RTB by STINGRAY
* Refuel if neaded at TEXACO2

Loadout: AIM-120C,AIM-120C,2xGBU-12,FT370,Litening,ECM-pod, – ,FT370,2xGBU-12,AIM-120C,AIM-120C

1. North hold point
2. Primary target (Arty)
3. CAP A
4. CAP B
5. BE

* Depart from Ramat David
* Hold at South Hold Point at 28000’.
* Push on HOMERUN
* Locate and eliminate VIP target traveling in an LUV Tigr.
* Report in to STINGRAY and standby for CAP tasking
* Remain on station until ordered to RTB by STINGRAY
* Refuel if neaded at TEXACO2

Loadout: FT610, 2xGBU-12, GBU-12, Lantirn, AIM-120C, AIM-120C, AIM-120C, FT610, AIM-120C

1. BE
2. South hold point
3. Primary target area

* Depart from Kiryat Shmona
* Hold at friendly convoy
* Push on HOMERUN and escort friendly convoy to its final destination (Control convoy via F10 menu).
* Remain on station until ordered to RTB by STINGRAY

Loadout: Hellfires and M261 HE Hydra.

1. HB (Kiryat Shmona)
2. Convoy start position
3. SP1
4. SP2
5. SP3
6. SP4
7. SP5
8. SP6
9. SP7
10. SP8
11. SP9
12. Convoy final destination
12. BE

* Depart from Ramat David
* Hold at South Hold Point at 25000’.
* Push on HOMERUN for SA2
* Push on FREEPLAY for SA3
* Report in to STINGRAY and standby for CAP tasking
* Remain on station until ordered to RTB by STINGRAY
* Refuel if neaded at ARCO1, ARCO5 or SHELL3

Loadout: FL decides

1. South hold point
2. Primary SA2 target (Ingress from south. Egress to north).
3. Secondary SA3 target
4. CAP A
5. CAP B
6. BE


4.1 Airfield operations

* Ramat David
* TCN: 84X
* Active runway: 33
* Optimal Departure sequence: HITMAN, INDY, HAWG, JESTER, QUEBEC
* Departure via Exit East
* Approach via Entry East

* Kiryat Shmona
* TCN: –
* Active runway: –
* Departure via Exit East
* Approach via Entry east

4.2 Carrier operations

* TCN: 72X
* CASE 1
* BRC: 013
* Departure time: 06:30
* Departure sequence: ELVIS, BENDER, ARCTIC, CRIMSON
* Charlie time: 08.20

As per Carrier Ops SPINS

4.3 Tankers

As per Aerial Refueling SOP


5.1 Commander

* Mission commander is STINGRAY
* Mission commander deputy is RAGE9-1
* Package WOLFPACK lead is HITMAN3-1
* Package COYOTES lead is ARCTIC1-1

5.2 Frequencies

As per Comms SOP

5.3 Authentication

As per Authentication SOP

5.4 Freq flow (Airfield flights)

7, 9, 3/5, 7
Remain on Tower (ch 7) during startup and departure. Check in (ch 9).
Expect Tactical (ch 3) for COYOTES as primary coms.
Expect Tactical (ch 3) for WOLFPACK as secondary coms.
Expect CAP (ch 5) for WOLFPACK as primary coms.
Use Tower (ch 7) for recovery.

5.5 Freq flow (Carrier flights)

1, 9, 3/5, 16, 1
Remain on Tower (ch 1) during startup and departure. Check in (ch 9).
Expect Tactical (ch 3) for COYOTES as primary coms.
Expect Tactical (ch 3) for WOLFPACK as secondary coms.
Expect CAP (ch 5) for WOLFPACK as primary coms.
Use Marshal (ch 16) and Tower (ch 1) for recovery.

If your flight doesn’t have two separate coms, stay on Ch 3.

5.6 Brevity

* TANGOUNIFORM – Mission declared successful
* FIRESTARTER – All SEAD flights attacks primary target (SA2 site).
* HOMERUN – SA2 site north of Marj Ruhayyil Airfield are disabled
* FREEPLAY – SA3 site at Al-Dumayr Airfield are disabled
* PAVEWAY – Runway at Mezzeh airfield are disabled
* ROADRUNNER – Runway at Marj Ruhayyil Airfield are disabled
* DIRTPILE – Mezzeh airfield cleared from enemy troops
* TRASHCAN – Marj Ruhayyil airfield cleared from enemy troops
* ROCKETMAN – HAWK system in place.
* COFFIN – VIP eliminated
* SHORTSTOP – Arty at Convoy final destination is eliminated.
* NIGHTFALL – Abort mission

5.7 Bullseye

N 33 020.00 E 35 046.50

– Maps –





19:30 - 22:00
Event Category:


– Bouncer –

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