Everyone’s welcome to this training!
Training Mission: CA, clear skies expected
Planned Training:
1. F/A-18C and F-14B
Carrier Quals!
Before or after your CQ, feel free to fly any training sortie you wish out of Kutaisi.
Air or catapult start (Cat 1 & 2 only). Unlimited attempts. After take-off or bolter, turn RIGHT and stay below 400 ft. When you find a slot, re-establish yourself in the pattern, line up behind the carrier @800′ and 350 kts, ready for another break. To earn your Carrier Qualification you need 2/3 valid passes with a 40+ score.
Sierra Hotel Breaks may be requested but expect the pattern to be full…
Time slots below are intended to reduce crowding around the boat. They are STARTING times only, stay as long as you need for your qualification. LSO:s (Bankler, Blichten, Leka) will fly when appropriate.
20.00: Bouncer, Apollo, Flipper, Frefeh, Kestrel, Thekrantz
20:30: JackFlash, Deadlift, Wex, Fretz
21:00: Fritter, Alex, Nillefix, Kite
2. F-16C
3. F-14B
4. AJS 37
5. A-10C II
6. AH-64D
Additional Training Suggestions:
* Practice things in the syllabus for your main aircraft
* Tanker intercepts and rejoins Jax Tutorial
* Tac turns Wiki
* CASE 1 recovery Wiki
* Overhead break Wiki
* Time-on-target
Sign up, then organize yourselves into flights to practice relevant stuff!