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Yemen Civil War – Operation Silver Birds

2023-01-26 @ 19:30 - 22:30

Currently Registered

1. Urist AWACS 2. insop Rotor Head 3. Ulvar KA-50 4. Vulture F86, SA342 5. Mink AWACS CAP 6. JackFlash Ka-50 eller Ah64 7. Troll Mi24 8. Arrow AH-64D som pilot eller CPG 9. Bouncer Mi24
10. Moldy AH-64 eller Viggen 11. Loggert Awacs praktikant.. 12. Goofy UH-1H eller AJS37 13. STRAFFAN UH-1H (ej flight lead) 14. Apollo12 AWACS 15. Bankler F-5E 16. ironsavior F-5E 17. DeadGun_SWE AH-64D 18. BFQ ah-64
Attendance: 18 / ∞

Registrations are closed for this event

RSVP: 23 01 26 – 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan)
Activity: Mission – CAP, Air Interdiction, CAS
Theatre: Persian Gulf
Modules fixed wings: MiG-15bis, MiG-21bis, L-39ZA, C-101CC, F-5E-3, MiG-19P, AJS 37, F-86F, MB-339A, SK60B
Modules rotor wings: Mi-8, SA342L, UH-1H, Ka-50, AH-64D, Mi-24P
Prerequisites: None
Strong suggestions: Download the SK60 to avoid seeing USA Su-27 with the capacity of a trainer instead of the real Swedish deal: https://discord.gg/rk8Eme4pYQ



Gazelle can carry one infantryman, Hind 8, Huey 13, Hip 24.
Our general has most graciously brought us a big ship full of fresh troops eager for combat with helipads on both port and starboard side near the bridge. The ship is located between military grid EP, FP, EN and FN. Use your infantry to capture the airfields. Your AWACS might also have a trick up his sleeve which might help you in capturing airfields as well.

Ka-50 and AH-64D only gets guns and gunpods. AH-64D and Mi-24 does not get to have a human co-pilot. It is strongly suggested that other helos do not have human co-pilots either since we will need as many airframes as we can muster.
Hind is limited to S-5 rockets and a single pylon with 2 9M114-Shtrum-V missiles.

Generation 3 fighters: MiG-21bis, F-5E-3 and AJS 37 is limited to guns only.
Generation 2 fighters: L-39ZA, C-101CC, MiG-19, MB-339A, SK60B is limited to their weakest version of any weapon type.

The Ka-50 is substitute for Ka-27. The AH-64D is newly imported, but looks a bit beaten.
AWACS will be flying along side you in their E-2D. Protect them at all costs.


You’re in a desolated place in war time. Equipment may fail. You may fall pray to hallucinations.
With bugged equipment and hallucinating eyes the enemy might succeed in sneaking up on you.
Be prepared.

Remember to use the F10 map in satellite mode so that you know where you are.

Also, you’ve been tasked with clearing the whole of Yemen and beyond. Is it realistic? No! But try telling that to the boss..

The following airfields are expected to be cleared by tomorrow morning.
Fujairah Intl
Ras Al Khaimah Intl
Bandar Abbas Intl

You don’t mind giving boss the intel that we captured just a few airfields, do you?

1.1 Overview

There is a civil war raging in Yemen. Each side in the conflict is having fluctuating support from all over the world. Let’s not use our valuable time at present moment to ponder weather we are the good and kind or mean and evil. We are here to save the day. Let’s leave it at that.

Luckily at least our side is the one with dessert camo.

Our brilliant general responsible for the mission and its logistics is guestimating that AWACS and C-130 belongs to the same flight. For your own sake, please do not tell him that complications might occur.

1.2 Area of operations

The western part of Yemen and the easternmost part of Djibouti og Eritrea.

1.3 Time and weather

None of us are instructed in QNH.
The weather is hot.

1.4 Air threats

Both left behind western and soviet airframes.

1.5 Ground threats

Insurgent infantry and left behind soviet AAA.

1.6 Friendly forces

N/A, we are the only blue forces in the AO.

1.7 Civilian/3rd part

Civilian traffic is still slightly active.


Annex the following airfields for the right side in the Yemen civil war:
Fujairah Intl
Ras Al Khaimah Intl
Bandar Abbas Intl

Protect you AWACS at all costs.

Secondary: Destroy any military complex you might come accross.

3.1 Commander’s intent

Capture Yemen and the easternmost part of Djibouti og Eritrea.
The general has most graciously delegated the rest to the package leads (STINGRAY1-3).

3.2 Packages

The mission contains 3 packages, callsign ONEWAY, TWOSTEP and THIRDCHARM. All flights are divided(TBA) between these packages.

3.3 Order of events

You are to follow the instructions of your package leader.

3.4 Rules of engagement

As per SPINS
Addition: Weapons free on all enemies unless they are moving into a too populated area.

3.5 Acceptable level of risk

As per SPINS

3.6 Flight tasking
Package1 ONEWAY (Lead: STINGRAY1)


Package2 TWOSTEP (Lead: STINGRAY2)





5.1 Commander

* Package1 ONEWAY lead is STINGRAY1
* Package2 TWOSTEP lead is STINGRAY2
* Package3 THIRDCHARM lead is STINGRAY3

5.2 Frequencies

Package1 ONEWAY and STINGRAY1 channel 11
Package2 TWOSTEP and STINGRAY2 channel 12
Package3 THIRDCHARM and STINGRAY3 channel 13
As per Comms SOP

5.3 Authentication

As per Authentication SOP

5.4 Freq flow (Airfield flights)

Package1 ONEWAY and STINGRAY1 channel 6
Package2 TWOSTEP and STINGRAY2 channel 7
Package3 THIRDCHARM and STINGRAY3 channel 8

Switch to the airfield package frequency of your package during landing and departure (ch 6-8). Switch back to package frequency when instructed to by your package lead (ch 11-13).

5.6 Brevity

* UNSTOPPABLE – Airfield Kerman captured
* MEGACAPTURE – Airfield Jiroft captured
* TOWERING – Airfield Bandar Abbas Intl captured
* NEWLAND – Airfield Ras Al Khaimah Intl captured
* NEWHAVEN – Airfield Fujairah Intl captured
* WALKINTHEPARK – Airfield Bandar-e-Jask captured
* DIEFORGLORY – You’ve wasted 50% of Yemens airforce, there is nowhere to retreat, now fight to the bitter end.

5.7 Bullseye

N 25 39.21′ E 57 47.76′


Airfield Bandar-e-Jask
Airfield Fujairah Intl
Airfield Ras Al Khaimah Intl
Airfield Bandar Abbas Intl
Airfield Jiroft
Airfield Kerman

1.2 Area of operations

W and NW of DAMASCUS (SYRIA) in MGRS zones YC-YB and BT-BS. The ground is mostly flat desert.

1.3 Time and weather

* July 07 – 2022
* 08:00 local time
* Scattered (7500′-11500′)
* Wind 320 / 10
* FORCE QNH 2992 / 1013

1.4 Air threats

MiG-21, MiG-25, MiG-29

MiG-21s, MiG-25s and occasional MIG-29s have been reported. Expect main threat from closest enemy air bases, located SE and N of DAMASCUS. Intel estimates that the Syrian Air Force will have routine CAP over target area and can launch 4-8 fighters in short succession from bases close to DAMASCUS. Additional fighters can reinforce from other bases after a timespan of 30 mins from first engagements.

1.5 Ground threats

BMP-2, ZSU-23 Shilka, MANPADS, SA-13, SA-6, SA-10

SCUD launchers escorted by BMP-2 platoons, protected by Shilkas, MANPADS and SA-13s. SCUD units are reported to be static in marked target areas but as they are mobile they can quickly redeploy and possible course of action is that once SCUD locations are engaged they will start to relocate.

The Chemical plant is protected by one SA-6, ZU-23s and MANPADS.

SA-10 located 100 nm E of DAMASCUS with coverage reaching to SAYQAL.

1.6 Friendly forces

N/A, we are the only blue forces in the AO.

1.7 Civilian/3rd part

Civilian air traffic is still active in some parts of eastern Syria.


The Joint Force Air Component (JFAC) will conduct air strikes to destroy SCUD locations and chemical plant facilities in order to deny Syrian forces SCUD capability with chemical weapons. A mission success would reduce Syria’s means of threatening its own population as well as neighboring countries.


3.1 Commander’s intent

Destroy all SCUD launchers and the two chemical plants located in the AO.

3.2 Packages

The mission contains 1 package, callsign WOLFPACK. All flights are part of package WOLFPACK.

3.3 Order of events

This operation is divided into four phases which will be conducted chronologically: Destruction of enemy CAP, SEAD, strikes on SCUD and chemical plant, RTB.

1. F-14s will neutralize enemy CAP over Damascus, then report SMASH and remain on station. F/A-18s, A-10s and AH-64s will hold at pre-briefed locations until SMASH has been reported.

2. F/A-18s push and destroy the enemy SA-10 EAST of Damascus, then report WALKOVER. Once complete they hit the tankers and prepare to assist F-14s with CAP.

3. A-10s, AJS 37s and AH-64s engage their respective targets, then report DIRTPILE and TRASHCAN respectively.

4. A-10s, AJS 37s and AH-64s RTB no later than 15:45. With the A/G elements out of the AO, the F-14 and F/A-18 RTB no later than 15:50.

3.4 Rules of engagement

As per SPINS
Addition: Weapons free on all enemy SCUD installations unless they are moving into built up areas.

3.5 Acceptable level of risk

As per SPINS

3.6 Flight tasking
Package WOLFPACK (Lead: ARCTIC11)

* Depart
* Hold at HOTEL (WP1) at 25000’
* Push on SMASH
* Destroy SA-10 EAST of Damascus (report WALKOVER on success)
* Refuel at ARCO1 or ARCO5
* Report in to STINGRAY and standby for CAP tasking
* RTB on order from STINGRAY

Loadout: FL decides (SEAD and A/A)

1. Hold HOTEL
2. SA-10 Target

* Depart
* Go to CAP track (WP1 and WP2)
* Neutralize enemy CAP over Damascus
* Remain on station until ordered to RTB by STINGRAY

Loadout: FL decides

1. CAP W
2. CAP E

* Depart 08:30
* Hold at HOTEL (WP1) at 9000’
* Push on SMASH
* Destroy target DELTA. Report TRASHCAN if successful.

Loadout: FL decides

1. Hold HOTEL
2. Ingress (bridge)
3. Ingress (bridge)
4. Target DELTA

* Depart 08:32
* Hold at HOTEL (WP1) at 15000’
* Push on SMASH. Coordinate engagements with RAGE9
* Destroy target CHARLIE, prepared to destroy ALPHA and BRAVO if needed. Report DIRTPILE (ALPHA/BRAVO/CHARLIE) for each target destroyed.

Loadout: FL decides

1. Hold HOTEL
2. Target ALPHA
3. Target BRAVO
4. Target CHARLIE

Depart 08:34
Stay under 500 feet after WP3
Coordinate engagements with HAWG8
Destroy targets ALPHA and BRAVO, prepared to destroy CHARLIE if needed. Report DIRTPILE (ALPHA/BRAVO/CHARLIE) for each target destroyed.

Loadout: FL decides

1. Ingress
2. Ingress
3. Ingress
4. Target ALPHA
5. Target BRAVO
6. Target CHARLIE


4.1 Airfield operations

* Ramat David
* TCN: 84X
* Active runway: 33
* Departure via Exit Hayim
* Approach via Entry Amos Lake
<!– Copy-paste friendly headers for flight taskings

4.2 Carrier operations

* CASE 1
* BRC: 264
* Departure time: 14:25
* Departure sequence: ELVIS5, ARCTIC1
* Charlie time: 16:00

As per Carrier Ops SPINS

4.3 Tankers

As per Aerial Refueling SOP


5.1 Commander

* Mission commander is STINGRAY
* Mission commander deputy is ARCTIC11
* Package WOLFPACK lead is ARCTIC11

5.2 Frequencies

As per Comms SOP

5.4 Freq flow (Airfield flights)

7, 9, 3/5, 7
Remain on Tower (ch 7) during startup and departure. Go to Check in (ch 9). Expect Tactical (ch 3) or CAP A (ch 5). Use Tower (ch 7) for recovery.

5.5 Freq flow (Carrier flights)

1, 9, 3/5, 16, 1
Remain on Tower (ch 1) during startup and departure. Go to Check in (ch 9). Expect Tactical (ch 3) or CAP A (ch 5). Use Marshal (ch 16) and Tower (ch 1) for recovery.

5.6 Brevity

* TANGOUNIFORM – Mission declared successful
* NIGHTFALL – Abort mission
* SMASH – Enemy CAP neutralized
* WALKOVER – SA-10 neutralized
* DIRTPILE – SCUD launchers destroyed
* TRASHCAN – Chemical plants destroyed

Large size map of AO with all waypoints, tankers, carriers etc
Smaller maps of target areas with waypoints marked


19:30 - 22:30
Event Category:



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