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THT – Kazbegi Offensive

2022-08-18 @ 19:30 - 23:00

220817 – 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan)
Mission – Strike, Interdiction & Escort
Version / Modules:
Open Beta, CA, L-39ZA, SU-25, Mi-24, UH-1H, KA-50
Basic knowledge of chosen AC

(KA-50 Strike/Recon)
AKULA21: JackFlash
AKULA22: Troll
AKULA23: Jinx
AKULA24: Insop

(SU-25T Strike)
ARTSIVI11: Deadgun
ARTSIVI12: Creedarn

(Mi-24 Strike)
KORI21: Jasnisse | Chris
KORI22: Bouncer |

(L39ZA Strike)

(UH-1H Recon)
ATREDI41: Goofy (Pilot) | Knugen (Co-pilot) | Urist (door gunner) | Baconbomb (door gunner)

22 December 1992
09:50 LT

The Abchazian war has been raging for several months with no end in sight. Stiff Abchazian resistance backed up by Russian air power has turned the Georgian offensive into it’s breakaway province into a stalemate.

Russia, hoping to divide the Georgian resources, will launch a secondary offensive along the Terek river, down the Georgian Military Road, the sole remaining border crossing between Georgia proper and Russia.

A large mechanized column will depart from Vladikavkaz and force the border into Georgia. Their objective is to secure the village of Kazbegi, and advance further down the valley to secure and fortify the village of Pasanuri along with it’s strategic bridge, locking down the valley under Russian control.

Georgia, lacking any substantial ground forces in the area, will have to rely on their limited air assets to stop russians.

Time and weather:
* 22 December 1992
* 0950 local time
* OVC 12/14, 22/25, 40/42
* Wind 130/ 12
* QNH 29.92

Package mission:
1. Atredi departs from forward base and localises the hostile forces.
2. Kori & Akula departs from FOB north of Tblisi and proceeds north to Pasanuri village. Akula continues north and links up with Atredi and assists with scouting and direction for strike aircraft.
3. Artsivi departs from Tblisi and attacks russian forces with cluster munitions to degrade air defences.
5. Once all aircraft attacks are done, Kori & Akula starts attacking convoy with guided missiles, and if deemed safe, unguided rockets and cannon. Atredi, armed only with door-mounted heavy MGs, is only to attack if all hostile air defences have been taken out and if there’s soft targets left.

Note that due to the lack of AWACS and mountainous terrain making GCI difficult, pilots will have to rely on their Mk1. Eyeball and aircraft sensors for much of the scouting and target acquisition.

The following photograph was taken by a Georgian border post guard at 09:50 LT, immediately after the russians crossed the border.

Artsivi1: 4x FAB-500, 2x UB32A, 2x XT, 2xR60
Akula2: 12x VIKHR, 40x S-8KOM
Zmey3: 4x Shturm,  40x S-8KOM

* Weapons free on all enemy air defences
* Weapons free on aircraft declared hostile (note that the inventory of both sides overlap, so always identify visually before engaging)
* Weapons free on any surface targets positively identified as hostile

Common Comms:
Package 25.7 MHz – Channel 1 on KA50 and Mi24 R828 radio. UH-1H and SU25 will have to tune manually.


Detailed taskings:

ARTSIVI1- Depart from Tblisi Vaziani AB. Proceed north into the valley and establish radio contact with recon elements (Atredi4 & Akula2) for enemy position information. Attack hostile forces with and RTB.

AKULA2- Depart from FOB Misaktsieli and proceed north into the valley. Join up with ATREDI and assume scouting & direction duties. Guide RODINA and ARTSIVI in their attacks on the enemy forces. Engage remaining targets once the aircraft have performed their attacks. Direct KORI so that they are in position to join once you commence your attacks as well.

KORI2 – Depart from FOB Misaktsieli and proceed north into the valley. Hold over Pasanuri village and establish radio communication with Atredi and Akula. Wait for Akulas confirmation that you may proceed, then join them in attacking remaining targets.

ATREDI4– As the only Georgian aerial assets in the border area your task will be to find and track the Russian advance, relaying position updates for the incoming strike missions. Maintain sufficient distance and low altitude to minimise risks from enemy defences. AKULA flight will assist you as soon as they arrive in the area.


19:30 - 23:00
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Currently Registered

1. Goofy Huey 2. leka Apache / f18 / f16 3. Knugen UH-1H, MiG21 eller L39 4. DeadGun_SWE SU-25 5. JackFlash Ka-50 6. Jasnisse MI24P 7. Bouncer Mi-24 Hind
8. Urist Mig21 / UH-1H (gunner) 9. -= J i n x =- Ka-50 eller Su25T 10. Troll Mi24 Ka50 11. Creedarn Su25 rookie 12. Chris Hind gunner 13. Baconbomb UH-1H door gunner 14. insop Ka-50
Attendance: 14 / ∞

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