RSVP: 2023-08-17 – 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan)
Activity: Mission – CAP, Air Interdiction, Escort, Anti-ship.
Theatre: Syria
Modules: F/A-18C, F-16C, F-15E, AJS 37, A-10C ll, AH-64
Prerequisites: F/A-18C Case 3. F-16C, F-15E, AJS 37, A-10C ll and AH-64 basic aircraft knowledge, rookies are welcome to signup.
Nato have pushed into Syria since the operation started this morning. Syria has still a active airforce and army on the ground. Nato has established a FOB on Minakh and still using Hatay also.
Syrian air force leaders have managed to reach 2 bunkers at Aleppo, where they can direct their fighters.
We have indications that the Syrian has 2 KA-50’s to meet up and escort the convoy back to Aleppo. The convoy tried to reach Hatay this morning but was unsuccesful when our heroic Fenris6 flight took out one bridge and the convoy was halted.
* July 07 – 2022
* 23:00 local time
* Scattered (7500′-11500′)
* Wind from 190 / 8
* FORCE QNH 2992 / 1013
Syria still have KA-50, MiG-21s, MiG-25s and MiG-29s located on airbases. Syria is moving their flights around in Syria to prevent Nato to find out where they are placed. Nato intelligence reports that the Syrian Airforce can launch in this state up to 50 fighters.
BMP-2, ZSU-23 Shilka, MANPADS, SA-13, SA-6.
SA-6 located at Aleppo and Gaziantep
SA-10 located at Abu al-Duhur
Frigate Rezky
Civilian air traffic has been grounded.
The Joint Force Air Component (JFAC) will conduct several air strikes to destroy, airbase at Gaziantep, navy convoy, bridge, ground convoy.
There are two bunkers at Aleppo we need destroyed.
JFAC also needs the Syrian Fighters to also be destroyed.
Destroy the bridges to prevent the convoy reaching Aleppo.
Locate & Destroy the convoy.
Locate & Destroy 2 bunkers at Aleppo.
Meet up our B1 Bombers in grid YG34 at ALT 25000 and escort the B1 bombers to and from Gaziantep.
Locate & Destroy Syrian navy convoy.
Locate & Destroy enemy flights.
The mission contains of 2 packages, callsign SACMI and BLOW.
Package SACMI, F/A-18, F16
Package BLOW, A-10C ll, AJS-37, AH-64, F-15E
Package SACMI can use Hatay to rearm and refuel.
Package BLOW can use Minakh to rearm and refuel.
1. Package SACMI, your orders are,
2. Package BLOW, your orders are,
As per SPINS
Addition: Weapons free on all enemy unless they are moving into built up areas.
As per SPINS
* Depart.
* Hold at WP1 at alt 25000.
* Push on STINGRAY’s order.
* Primary Target: Destroy SA-6 at Aleppo (report BUSINESS on success).
* Go CAP
* RTB on order from STINGRAY.
Loadout: FL decides
1. WP1 Hold
2. WP2 Aleppo
* Depart.
* Hold at WP1 at alt 22000.
* Push on STINGRAY’s order.
* Primary Target: Destroy SA-6 at Aleppo (report BUSINESS on success).
* Go CAP
* RTB on order from STINGRAY.
Loadout: FL decides
1. WP1 Hold
2. WP2 Aleppo
* Depart.
* Primary Mission, meet up and escort B1’s at grid YG34 to and back from Gazientep
* Go CAP
* RTB on order from STINGRAY.
Loadout: FL decides
1. WP1 Escort B1
2. WP2 Gazientep
* Depart.
* Hold at WP1 at alt 25000.
* Push on STINGRAY’s order.
* Locate and destroy the 2 bunkers at Aleppo, then clean up the rest at Aleppo.
* RTB on order from STINGRAY.
Loadout: FL decides
1. WP1 Hold
2. WP2 Aleppo
* Depart.
* Destroy 2 bridges
* Locate & Destroy Syrian Navy convoy
* RTB on order from STINGRAY.
Loadout: FL decides
1. WP1 Primary bridge
1. WP2 Secondary bridge
2. WP3 NW corner of grid YD
* Depart.
* Hold at 18000’.
* Push on STINGRAY’s order.
* Locate & Destroy Syrian convoy
* RTB on order from STINGRAY.
Loadout: FL decides
1. WP1 Hold
2. WP2 Kumlu
* Depart.
* Locate & Destroy Syrian convoy
* RTB on order from STINGRAY.
Loadout: FL decides
1. WP1 Kumlu
* Incirlik
* TCN: 21X
* Active runway: 23
* Hatay
* Active runway: 22
* CASE 3
* BRC: 220°
* Final Bearing: 211°
* Departure time (Local): 23:15, as soon as possible
* Departure sequence: Package Lead Decide
* Charlie time (Local): 01:15
As per Carrier Ops SPINS
As per Aerial Refueling SOP
* Mission commander is STINGRAY
* Mission commander deputy is ARCTIC11
* Package SACMI lead is ARCTIC11
* Package BLOW lead is RAGE91
As per Comms SOP
As per Authentication SOP
7, 9, 3/5, 7
Remain on Tower (ch 7) during startup and departure. Go to Check in (ch 9). Expect Tactical (ch 3) or CAP A (ch 5). Use Tower (ch 7) for recovery.
1, 9, 3/5, 16, 1
Remain on Tower (ch 1) during startup and departure. Go to Check in (ch 9). Expect Tactical (ch 3) or CAP A (ch 5). Use Marshal (ch 16) and Tower (ch 1) for recovery.
* SUPPLYCHAIN – Mission declared successful
* BREAKDOWN – Abort mission
* OVERHAUL – Runway at Gaziantep destroyed
* MAINTENENCE – Bridge destroyed
* WATER – Supply ships with troops destroyed
* LUBRICATION – Ground Convoy destroyed
* BUSINESS – SA-6 at Aleppo destroyed
N 35 57.42′ E 37 10.04′