22 10 20 – 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan)
Version / Modules:
Open Beta, Persian Gulf, F/A-18C, F-14A, AJS 37, F-16C, F5, F1, M2000
CASE 1, AAR and god knowledge of aircraft systems
Rebel state have built a facility to enrich uranium to be able to build nuclear weapons
The straight between Iran and UAE. Mostly water and flat desert
A restricted area have been set up around the SA-11 site to protect CAP flight. Under no means are it allowed to enter this area until SOFTBALL is called. Then the restriction is from 300feet up to 22 000feet until HARDBALL is called
* May 01 – 1992
* 07:40 local time
* Overcast (8000′)
* Wind 338 / 8
* FORCE QNH 29.53 / xxxx
F-14A, F-5E, Mirage F1
F-14A, F-5E and F1 have been reported active in the area. Expect treats from LAR and Bandar Abbas Intl. Both airports are protected by SA-11 sites and is not in the mission parameters
SA-11 on Qeshm Island that have to be destroyed so that strike force can attack main target. Expect SA-11 site to be protected by SA-15 and ZSU-23, these are secondary targets.
Other ground troops are expected in the area
Do not move in to far in to IRAN airspace as they have more SA-11 and even SA-10.
N/A, we are the only blue forces in the AO.
Civilian air traffic is still active in the area and it is a busy shipping lane that must not be disrupted
The Joint Force Air Component (JFAC) will conduct air strikes to destroy said facility before they can take it online.
2.1 Primary Targets
ALPHA: Enemy compund HQ
BRAVO: South chemical buildning
CHARLIE: North chamical building
2.2 Secondary Targets
DELTA: Storage buildings north of BRAVO
ECHO: Radio mast east of DELTA
2.3 CAP and SEAD are to support FENRIS6 to accomplish their mission
Destroy the command bunker on the west of the compound and the two main buildings
The mission contains 1 package, callsign WOLFPACK. All flights are part of package WOLFPACK.
This operation is divided into four phases which be conducted chronologically: Destruction of enemy CAP, SEAD, strikes on facility, RTB.
1. CAP flight will push to the AO and destroy enemy CAP
2. SEAD/DEAD will push and attack SA-11 and also any SA-15 site that they can find, then report SOFTBALL when SEAD of SA-11 is in affect and HARDBALL when DEAD of SA-11 is accomplished. Once complete they hit the tankers and prepare to assist with CAP if able.
3. AJS 37s engage their targets, then report DIRTPILE and TRASHCAN respectively.
4. AJS 37s RTB no later than 09:10. With the A/G elements out of the AO, CAP RTB no later than 09:20.
ROE: B – Link to ROE SOP
Weapons free on all enemy ground forces installations and enemy fighters declared hostile
3.6 Flight tasking
* ARTIC1 – CVN72
* INDY9, JESTER1 – Al Minhad
*QUEBEC – Al Dharfra
* Depart
* Go to CAP track WP2 and WP3
* Neutralize enemy CAP
* Remain on station until ordered to RTB by STINGRAY
* Refuel at ARCO1 or TEXACO2
* RTB on order from STINGRAY
Loadout: FL decides
1. BE
2. CAP W
3. CAP E
4. HomeBase
* Depart CVN72
* Destroy SA-11 site at WP2 TOT 0850
* Report SOFTBALL when SEAD is in effect
* Report BDA after FENRIS attack on target area
* Report TRASHCAN if successful
* Report DIRTPILE if unsuccessful
* Report HARDBALL when DEAD is accomplished
* Refuel
* Report in to STINGRAY and standby for CAP tasking
* RTB on order from STINGRAY
Loadout: FL decides
1. B/E
2. Hold
3. SA-11 TOT 0850
4. CAP W
5. CAP E
Keep below 300feet/100meter after Tunb Kochak. Avoid flying over land areas when egressing.
Do not fly north of target area due to enemy airbase and SA10 site
TOT 0854 coordinate with BENDER2
* Depart Al Dhafra AFB
* Relocate to Abu Musa Island and rearm
* Hold at runway for TOT
* Destroy target ALPHA, BRAVO and CHARLIE. Report TRASHCAN if successful TOT 0854
* RTB to Al Dhafra AFB
Loadout: FL decides
Waypoints: (use if no datacarrige is available)
2. Entrypoint (N26 14.502 E55 9.419) No higher then 150feet AGL after this point
3. INGRESS (N26 39.718 E55 16.075)
4. ALPHA (N26 48.593 E55 21.512)
5. BRAVO (N26 48.540 E55 21.656)
6. CARLIE (N26 48.615 E55 21.691)
Departure/Arrival (both airfields)
VFR departure. Fly runway heading 7 DME TCN not above 300 kts 7000 ft. Contact Stingray A7.
VFR approach. Join final runway heading at 10 DME TCN 3000 ft not above 300 kts.
4.1.1 Al Minhad AFB
*ATIS 275.500
*TOWER 275.000
* TCN: 99X
* Active runway: 09
4.1.2 Al Dhafra AFB
*ATIS 270.500
TOWER 270.000
* TCN 96X
* Active runway: 13R
* ASAP Fenris6
* 08:00 Indy9
* 08:00 Quebec8
* 08:10 Jester1
* BRC: 336
* Departure time: 08:00
* Departure sequence: n/a
* Check in for recovery 09:20 – 09:30
* Charlie time: 09:45
4.2.1 Departures
* 08:00 Artic1
* 08:05 Bender2
* ARCO1 – 101X – KC-135MPRS at 22.000′ – Ch 14
* TEXACO2 – 102X – KC-135 at 20.000′ – Ch 20
* SHELL3 – 103X – S-3B Viking at 8.000′ – Ch 19
* Mission commander is ARTIC11.
* Mission commander deputy is STINGRAY.
* Package WOLFPACK lead is ARCTIC11.
5.3 Authentication
RAMROD as per Link to Mission SOP – Comms: GRANDSLICE
7, 9, 3/5, 7
Remain on Tower (ch 7) during startup and departure. Go to Check in (ch 9). Expect Tactical (ch 3) or CAP A (ch 5). Use Tower (ch 7) for recovery.
1, 9, 3/5, 16, 1
Remain on Tower (ch 1) during startup and departure. Go to Check in (ch 9). Expect Tactical (ch 3) or CAP A (ch 5). Use Marshal (ch 16) and Tower (ch 1) for recovery.
* TANGOUNIFORM – Mission declared successful
* NIGHTFALL – Abort mission
* SMASH – Enemy CAP neutralized
* SOFTBALL – SEAD of SA-11 is in effect
* HARDBALL – DEAD of SA-11 is accomplished
* TRASHCAN – Facility plants destroyed (ALPHA, BRAVO and CHARLIE destroyed)
* DIRTPILE – Strike unsuccessful (ALPHA, BRAVO or CHARLIE is still operational)
Large size map of AO with all waypoints, tankers, carriers etc
Smaller maps of target areas with waypoints marked