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Package Iceman

2024-10-15 @ 08:00 - 17:00

0. Organization
2nd US infantry division consist of 3 brigades, 2nd,3rd and 4th Stryker brigades supported by 210th Field Artillery Brigade and 2 Combat Aviation Brigade.

Combat units of 2nd Infantry Division.

Organization of 2CAB
Rage9, Blackjack3 and Mustang4 are units of 2 CAB – Combat Aviation Brigade belonging to US 2nd Infantry division “Indianhead”. 2 CAB are task organized per mission as needed to support their ground units.

For this mission A-10Cs, callsign Hawg8 from the Air Force are attached to this package.

7th mechanized division has been destroyed and are now running north or capitulating. In its place 5th mechanized division who has previously been engaged by US 3rd ID have now withdrawn and preparing defences in DAMASCUS propper together with 9th Tank division.
However militias has started to form and become effective and are said to prepare defence in damascus using IED and ambush methods.
In the area of DAMASCUS International Airport, OBJ TEXAS a mismatch of unit has been observed preparing the defence of the airport. Satellite and drone imagery have been able to locate what is believed the majority of defence forces around the airport.

US Air force have air superiority and is redirecting main forces to conduct ground strikes and SAM-hunting.
Enemy air units have been forced to move out to road bases and the Air Force are conducting search and destruction of these road bases.

Friendly ground forces
3ID and 1AD are now about to enter DAMASCUS propper and seize key terrain and infrastructure and destroying any enemy main units still active in DAMASCUS.
We, 2ID are tasked with supporting 3ID and 1ADs capture of DAMASCUS by securing the eastern flank by capturing OBJ TEXAS and then cut off the M5 / Highway 2 intersection.
OBJ TEXAS will later on become main supply hub for US forces logistics and need to be captured in a good state and therefor command have decided to conduct a battalion level tactical air assault to capture the airport before the Syrians have a chance to start destroying it in order to deny us a logistics hub.
The infantry battalion that will conduct the air assault is 1st Bn 38th Inf Reg, Callsign “ROCK”. Rock consist of 3 Rifle companies, Attack, Bayonett and Claymore.
see Annex B for ground assault plan.


2 CAB are to support 1-38 INFs air assault with insertion, logistics and close combat attacks in order to facilitate 1-38 INFs successful capture of OBJ TEXAS.

Endstate is with 1-38th successfully airlifted onto OBJ TEXAS and OBJ TEXAS in own hands.


Escort Mustang4 to WP1, Hold at WP1. On order (planned 0345) escort Mustang4 to LZ ANACONDA, suppress LZ ANACONDA and the area around it while Mustang4 moves in and dismounts troops.
Stay on objective and provide support to 1-38 INF.
Be prepared to conduct CCA as needed.
After LZ ANACONDA Mustang4 are not to be escorted.
RTB on order when Rage8/Blackjack4 relieves you on station.

Load up Attack Company according to load plan and push WP1.
Be at WP1 NLT 0343.
On order (Planned 0345) Push to LZ ANACONDA and drop off Attack Company.
Return to base, load up Crusher 1 Artillery Battery and insert on LZ CRUSHER according to load plan.
Prepare to act as MASCAS CASEVAC if situation arise.

Take off and be on WP1 HOLD NLT 0343.
03.45 or on order continue to WP2 EA POTOMAC and WP3 EA COLORADO and engage enemies there.
Be prepared to support ground troops at the airfield at all times.
RTB on order or NLT 05.45 Local time.

Coordination instructions
a) Enemy targets 1000m from friendly units or more are clear to be engaged without clearance from ground troops.
b) Between 03.30 and 03.45 the area over OBJ TEXAS belongs to SEAD patrols striking SEAD targets on OBJ TEXAS.
c) 03.45 initiates assault on OBJ TEXAS.

a) C
b) No Bridges or other key infrastructures are allowed to be destroyed.
c) MSR TOWNSIDE; Do not use anything over 250lbs payload on targets on MSR. CBU bomblets approved.

2CAB Assembly area has been moved to the Khalkhalah airfield, previously known as OBJ NEVADA.
FARP DUBLIN at MGRS 37S BS 87471 88960 is setup from mission start with fuel and ammunition.
Hawg8 can return to airfield and fill up ordinance and fuel as needed.

King Hussein airbase:
Hawg8 Stand 20-23
Pig7 Stand 32-35
Tusk2 Stand 24-27 (backup flight).

Tactical commander is Talon-6 on TAD-G 0110.
Hawg8 complies with Stingrays orders for own survivability but Talon-6 has tactical command.

TAD-G 0110 Talon-6, CO.
Monitor Air force Channel 3 for situational awareness airside.

Abort assault and return to Hold IP and await further instructions.
Icebreaker: Abort assault and return to base, mission has been cancelled.

Annex A: Air movement plan on objective and Loading plan

Annex B: Ground assault plan

Annex C: Grid Reference Guide OBJ TEXAS

Annex D: Hawg8 Engagement Areas

Annex E: Flight plans




08:00 - 17:00
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