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2024-09-22 @ 08:00 - 17:00

0. Organization
2nd US infantry division consist of 3 brigades, 2nd,3rd and 4th Stryker brigades supported by 210th Field Artillery Brigade and 2 Combat Aviation Brigade.






Combat units of 2nd Infantry Division.







Organization of 2CAB

Rage9 and Blackjack3 are units of 2 CAB – Combat Aviation Brigade belonging to US 2nd Infantry division “Indianhead”. 2 CAB are task organized per mission as needed to support their ground units.

Last day and a half have seen the enemy either destroyed, withdrawn or deserting.
78th armoured Brigade is estimated to be down to 20% working tanks and 68 Mech Brigade well below 50% strength but are fighting furiously in OBJ ARKANSAS.

Remaining units of 7th armoured division has broken contact with our forces and have withdrawn north and we have been unable to locate larger forces on satellite and drones as the enemy seemed to disperse their units during movement and hiding in villages and forest.

US Air force have air superiority and is redirecting main forces to conduct ground strikes and SAM-hunting.

Friendly ground forces
3ID to our left has had some good success and have managed to push north along their MSR, broken through enemy lines and are now exploiting the confusion the syrians show in their AO.
Our division, 2ID managed to break the enemy line and push into the rear areas of 7th armored division but have been heavily delayed in the forests around OBJ ARKANSAS itself.
Division commander have decided to solve the issue by outflanking the enemy by swinging northwest with 2nd SBCT “LANCERS” and capture the town SHAHBA in order to block supply lines and contain the enemy in the forest.

2CAB (we) are tasked with pushing ahead of 2nd SBCT and locate enemy units and find clear routes for the brigade to assault over to capture SHAHBA quickly.

Blackjack 3 is supported with 155mm HE from B Battery 2-17 Field artillery callsign “BULLDOG” on TAD-G 2530 from H+30min to H+3hour.
Call for fire goes directly to Bulldog 6.

USAF A-10Cs will be active north of AO and prepared to support if heavier armor are encountered. Callsign for A-10 is HAWG8 and is requested through Talon-6.

Blackjack3 is to conduct route reconnaissance along RTE LANCE up to OBJ WACO in order to identify enemy locations and create conditions for 2nd SBCT “LANCERS” assault and capture of OBJ LANCE.

Endstate is with RTE LANCE fully recconnaissed, bridge and ford classified and all enemies that can affect the RTE either identified and marked for further engagement or destroyed.

Conduct route recconnaisse along route LANCE with a special focus on the five Named Areas of Interest (NAI)s.
Recconnaise through movement to contact. Destroy smaller enemy forces, larger enemy forces are reported to Talon-6 and bypassed or engaged with indirect fire Bulldog 6 or passed over to Air Force A-10 Hawg8.

Report any larger groups of vehicles and tanks to Talon-6 and report how you are dealing with them (bypassing, indirect fire or A-10s).
Report PIR results to Talon-6 as soon as possible.
Reconnaissance tempo is slow and deliberate.

Back at FARP TAMPA NLT +3h.

Priority Information Requirements
PIR1: Is the ford in NAI ALPHA usable and clear of enemy forces?
PIR2: Are there enemy forces in the town of NAI BRAVO and is RTE LANCE going through it affected by enemy forces or obstacles?
PIR3: Is the bridge in NAI CHARLIE usable and clear of enemy forces?
PIR4: are there any major enemy forces in NAI DELTA and NAI ECHO that can assault towards RTE LANCE during 2nd SBCTs assault on OBJ WACO?

Coordination instructions
Fire coordination measures:
Single tanks/IFV can be engaged by Blackjack3s own weapons.
Larger groups (>3 vics) of soft vehicle /camps are engaged with 155mm indirect fire Bulldog 6.
Larger groups of tanks (>3 tanks) are engaged by A-10C HAWG8.

Avoid using indirect fire in built up areas.

FARP TAMPA will be active at PL SIOUX beyond 2 SBCTs rear area, MGRS 37S BS 9300 1450 from H+1h to H+3h in order to support you with fuel and ammunition.

2 CAB Assembly area has been relocated further north to be closer to the action and are now established northeast of DHIBIN, MGRS 37S BR 7400 9500.

Tactical commander is Talon-6 on TAD-G 0110.

TAD-G 0110 Talon-6, CO.
TAD-G 2530 Bulldog 6. 155mm 2-17 Field artillery.
Monitor Air force Channel 3 for situational awareness airside.



08:00 - 17:00
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