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Operation Straight Flush

2023-07-06 @ 19:30 - 22:00

Currently Registered

1. BigSwede A-10C II 2. Moldy F-16C eller AWACS 3. Apollo F/A-18C or E-3A 4. Leka Hornet / A10 5. pahi F-16C 6. Arco F-16C 7. frefeh F/A-18C 8. Blichten F/A-18C eller AWACS 9. Bouncer F/A-18C 10. Goofy79 AJS37 11. Jinx AH-64D 12. STRAFFAN F/A-18C 13. Ulvar F-16C 14. Igor AH64 pilot/CPG
15. Urist AJS37 16. Emil AJS 37 17. Iquences AJs 18. OviDiuS F-16C 19. JackFlash A-10, F-18, Ah64 20. BFQ AH-64 21. insop AH-64D m/George 22. DeadGun_SWE A-10C II / F-14B RIO / AH-64D CPG 23. Hagman AJS37 24. Capone A-10C II 25. Bankler F/A-18C 26. Lillfilly F/A-18C 27. Voyager AJS37
Attendance: 27 / ∞

Registrations are closed for this event

RSVP: 2023 07 06 – 19:30 / 061930Bjul2023 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan)
Activity: Mission: Stop the enemy’s advance and prepare further steps for a counteroffensive
Theatre: Marianas
Modules: F/A-18C, F-14B, F-16, AJS 37, A-10C, AH-64
Prerequisites: None



1.1 Overview

Chinese and Russian forces have taken Saipan and Tinian Island in total surprise. Due to the bad weather in the recent days, we have little to no intel about enemy naval activity. The weather has cleared up, but we do not have accurate satellite intel yet. Electronic recon shows the signature of a type 52C destroyer northwest of Guam that should not be there, it is moving towards Rota or Saipan. The enemy is likely to attack again and we have reports about chinese J-11 and JF-17 in the area. We suspect an enemy carrier somewhere far north.
Furthermore, we have indications that there are several SAMs (at least one SA-10) active on Saipan or Tinian. Rota shows SA-15 and SA-19. Air command wants the short range AD on Rota taken out and we absolutely need intel about Saipan to prepare further actions.
There are some indications that enemy units are proceeding towards the small village Songsong at the southwestern tip of the island.
Under the night, we got several reports about military equipment getting ready for marching southbound. We do not want to give the enemy more time to regroup.

1.2 Area of operations

North and northwest of Guam.

1.3 Time and weather

* July 21 – 2016
* 06:00 local time
* Scattered (8200′-15000′)
* Wind 015 / 10
* QNH 2972

1.4 Air threats

J-11, Su-33, JF-17

The enemy is suspected to have a carrier air group operating in the area. As Saipan fell into enemy hands, JF-17 and J-11 are to be expected as Saipan allows for non-carrier capable fixed wing types. Also, a bomber strike from the mainland to prepare further advance is possible. The enemy is limited in numbers due to recent engagements, but not in terms of quality.

1.5 Ground threats

Multiple SAM systems, from older soviet types to SA-10. Expect 2S6 Tunguska (SA-19) and SA-15 on Rota, probably moving towards the southern tip to strengthen the defense line towards Guam and / or secure the small village in preparation for a final punch towards Guam.

1.6 Friendly forces

N/A, we are the only blue forces in the AO.

1.7 Civilian/3rd part

None. Weapons free on anything without a positive IFF reply.


1. Cover Guam.
2. Find the enemy convoy.
3. Clear Rota island as far as possible. Look for enemy landing ships in the area, sink them if present.


3.1 Commander’s intent

The mission consists of two packages with independent goals. The goal on Rota is to degrade enemy forces on Rota to avoid further enemy progression and prepare a counteroffensive towards Saipan.
To achieve this goal, we want to take out the convoy that is expected to be north of Guam with resupplies.

A secondary goal is gathering intel of the situation in Saipan, especially about the type and position of enemy air defenses.

3.2 Packages

The mission contains 2 packages, callsign NEPTUNE and UNDERTAKER.
NEPTUNE consists of:
– FENRIS 6: Recon / Anti-Ship
– GRIM 7: Recon / Anti-Ship
– ARCTIC 1: CAP / Escort
– BENDER 2: Anti- Ship, Package lead

– INDY 9, CAP / ELINT, Package lead
– HAWG 8
AH-64: RAGE 9

3.3 Order of events

3.3.1 Offensive actions
This operation consists of two main actions:
– Reduction of enemy forces on Rota.
UNDERTAKER package will push on Rota to clear out as many enemy forces as possible.
The SEAD flight (JESTER1) will try to take out as many SA-15 and SA-19 as possible. After that, HAWG and RAGE will push with HAWG being second and Rage being third. INDY will support with finding enemy AD with HTS and provide backup CAP. If mission allows, INDY will test air defenses on Saipan by pushing and noting radar types and approximate position.
Common takeoff time is 0620.

– Find the enemy ships north of Guam, sink as many as possible.
We have a flight of B-52s that have enough Harpoons to saturate the 52Cs air defense. The B-52s will wait for an accurate position to launch their Harpoons, so after there is radar contact or we get fired on and can tell the approximate position, they will launch their missiles. It is absolutely necessary to wait until the BUFF harpoons strike the convoy before firing own missiles to allow the 52C to empty their vertical launcher system which can’t be reloaded on the sea and this is expected to take it out of business one way or another.
GRIM7 with the Viggens unique recon abilities will be tasked with locating the group and report their positon to the command, which will then relay it to the B-52. After the B-52 have fired, FENRIS6 will push on the group, followed by or together with BENDER2. BENDER2 will also be tasked with BDA on the group.
All pure CAP flights are also organized in NEPTUNE package.
Be advised that there will be little CAP support at the begin of the operation, as INDY is the only CAP available at this time.

3.3.2. Defensive actions
Protect our last remaining island and the carrier group at all costs.

3.4 Rules of engagement

As per SPINS

Only guided weapons and no clusterbombs are to be used near civil structures. Defensive actions have priority, we need to protect Guam and our carrier group.

3.5 Acceptable level of risk

ALR: MEDIUM, as we need to save resources, and low for the ELINT mission on Saipan.
As per SPINS

3.6 Flight tasking
3.6.1 Package NEPTUNE (Lead: BENDER2)


3.6.2 Package UNDERTAKER (Lead: INDY91)



4.1 Airfield operations

* Andersen AfB
* TCN: 54X
* Active runway: 06

all flights existing in template- only for copying

4.2 Carrier operations

* CASE 1
* BRC: 38
* Departure time: 06:20
* Departure sequence: ARCTIC1, BENDER2
* Charlie time: 08:00

As per Carrier Ops SPINS

4.3 Tankers

As per Aerial Refueling SOP


5.1 Commander

* Mission commander is STINGRAY
* Mission commander deputy is ARCTIC11
* Package WOLFPACK lead is ARCTIC11
* Package UNDERTAKER lead is INDY91

5.2 Frequencies

As per Comms SOP

5.3 Authentication

As per Authentication SOP

5.4 Freq flow (Airfield flights)

7, 9, 3/5, 7
Remain on Tower (ch 7) during startup and departure. Go to Check in (ch 9). Expect Tactical (ch 3) or CAP A (ch 5). Use Tower (ch 7) for recovery.

5.5 Freq flow (Carrier flights)

1, 9, 3/5, 16, 1
Remain on Tower (ch 1) during startup and departure. Go to Check in (ch 9). Expect Tactical (ch 3) or CAP A (ch 5). Use Marshal (ch 16) and Tower (ch 1) for recovery.

5.6 Brevity

* TANGOUNIFORM – Mission declared successful
* NIGHTFALL – Abort mission
* RUBBER DUCKY- Ship Convoy located
* PLUG PULLED – Type 52C out of action (if any)
* GREAT FLUSH – No enemy ship left
* COFFIN – SA15 taken down
* 6FEETUNDER – SA19 taken down

5.7 Bullseye

N 42 15.00′ E 42 03.00′


Map of the area of operations:

Enemy convoy with SA-19 and several APC (screen capture from some tiktok account, geolocated before it got deleted):



19:30 - 22:00
Event Category:





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