RSVP: 27 February 2024 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan)
Activity: Strike
Theatre: Persian Gulf
Modules: Air Force: F-15E, F-16C. Navy: F-14B, F/A-18C.
Prerequisites: Proficient with aircraft, AAR
Twelve days have elapsed since the downing of American Airways 587 by the Iranian frigate IRIS Khoresht-e Fesenjan over the Persian Gulf. In response US naval forces sunk the frigate IRIS Tahchin and heavily damaged corvette IRIS Kuku Sabzi and two patrol vessels. However, the US president and congress is still under heady pressure from political groupings, the Pentagon and public opinion that executed retaliations are inadequate.
To address dismay and to further project power in the region the US Navy was ordered to perform a strike on mainland Iran. Naval intelligence identified the 384th Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Battalion “Chaapgar-e daftar kharaab ast” based in Firuzabad as a suitable target due to the battalion’s involvement in the shoot down of AA587 and to cripple overall intelligence and electronic warfare capabilities.
Following the shoot down incident, the Iranian Air Force showed a record high presence in the air, with a significant decline in the last two days. Intelligence suggests that Iran’s many CAP missions have taken its toll on aircraft with an already high maintenance debt. This window of opportunity played right in the hand for Navy mission planners.
However, the US Air Force intervened in the last minute, to first accompany the strike package, and in the end through political maneuvering, acquire command of mission planning and execution. The new mission commander is the highly decorated Air Force Col. Ernest “Deadgun” Kiszobaeslowski.
South-western Iran.
* 1 May 2009
* 1030 local time
* METAR 14002 SCT/BKN 8/10 FEW 40
* FORCE QNH 2992 / 1013
F-4D/E/RF, F-14A/AM.
Remarks: Iranian combat air patrols have significantly declined the last two days. Still, intelligence estimate that Iran has at least ten airworthy generation 3 fighters at disposable. Six of these are based at Shiraz northwest of the target area.
Enroute/Ingress/Egress: SA-10 and SA-11 installations east of proposed ingress route. Unconfirmed but likely close-in support by SAM and AAA installations respectively.
Target Area: Confirmed SA-2 and SA-6 installations. Previous intelligence has spotted rotating SA-3 and AAA sites. Other systems cannot be ruled out due to the situation. Expect manpads at key installations.
Remarks: Intelligence has pinpointed three permanent SAM installation at or on close proximity to the target area, and an additional five on daily rotation. Iranian air defense employ advanced surface to air tactics.
N/A, Package W is the only blue force in the AO.
Civilian air traffic is still active in some parts of eastern Syria.
The Joint Force Air Component (JFAC) conducts air strikes on 384th Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Battalion installations in CITY.
Mission Strike Package: Package W.
This operation is divided into five phases:
ROE ATA: B, as per SPINS
ROE SEAD: Weapons free on SAM installations at target area up to a proximity to 35 NMI.
ROE Strike:
Tango Alpha. 384th Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Battalion headquarters in east Furizabad.
Tango Bravo. 384th Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Battalion flight operation center. N/A, no conclusive intelligence on target.
Tango Charlie. 384th Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Battalion research facilities in west Furizabad
Tango Delta. 384th Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Battalion communications facilities in central Furizabad.
Tango Echo. 384th Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Battalion land warfare center in central Furizabad.
Tango Foxtrot. SA-6 installation.
Tango Golf. SA-2 installation.
Tango Hotel. SA/AAA installation. N/A, no conclusive intelligence on target.
Air Force:
Remarks: full complement guns rounds, counter-measure and drop tanks.
Remarks: full complement guns rounds, counter-measure and drop tanks.
Loadout: MC decides
Loadout: MC decides
Loadout: MC decides
Loadout: MC decides
Loadout: MC decides
Loadout: MC decides
Loadout: MC decides
Loadout: MC decides
* Al Dhafra AFB
* TCN: 96X
* Expected runways: 13R, 13L
* Departure 13R, 13L: Exit West 300 KTS 1500 FT
* Approach 13R: TCN 9 DME 300 KTS 1500 FT RH OHB
* Approach 13L: TCN 9 DME 300 KTS 1500 FT LH OHB
* CASE 1
* Expected BRC: 070-110
* Departure time: X
* Departure sequence: Y
* Charlie time: 1250
As per Carrier Ops SPINS
A2 400, 401, 402, 403
A2 404, 405
A3 406, 407
A3 410, 411
A4 412, 413
A4 100, 101
Tracks TBA
As per Aerial Refueling SOP
Outbound AR Plan here
An E-2C callsign STINGRAY2 is Package W AWACS support over Iran. Will join up with the strike package at tanker tracks.
* Mission commander is HITMAN31
* Mission commander deputy is ARCTIC11
* Package W lead is HITMAN31
As per Comms SOP
As per Authentication SOP
7, 9, 3/5, 7
Remain on Tower (ch 7) during startup and departure. Go to Check in (ch 9). Expect Tactical (ch 3) or CAP A (ch 5). Use Tower (ch 7) for recovery.
1, 9, 3/5, 16, 1
Remain on Tower (ch 1) during startup and departure. Go to Check in (ch 9). Expect Tactical (ch 3) or CAP A (ch 5). Use Marshal (ch 16) and Tower (ch 1) for recovery.
* ARIZONA – No anti-radiation missile (ARM) ordnance remaining.
* AVAILABLE – Flight eligible for further attack mission.
* BLACKOUT – Target not eligible for attack due to ROE considerations.
* DAKOTA – No air to ground (ATG) ordnance remaining.
* LAUNCH, LAUNCH – Any aircraft visually detects a surface to air missile launch.
* REDWING – Flight unable to attack/destroy target for any reason other than BLACKOUT. Target still eligible for attack by other flights.
* ROLEX – Plus/minus time relative briefed time plan.
* SCRAM – Package emergency egress from target area.
* TANGO UNIFORM – Package egress.
* TOURIST – Push call.
* WINCHESTER – No air to air (ATA) ordnance remaining.
It is imparative that communication between flights and mission commander in the TOT window is snappy and clear to achieve mission success. Imperative calls for attack flights include:
* Attacking target. For instance: “Adder1, attacking Tango Alpha. In hot.”
* BDA. For instance: “Adder1, Tango Alpha destroyed, Dakota”
* Reporting non-attacked targets’ status. For instance: “Adder1, Tango Alpha Blackout” or “Adder1, Tango Alpha Redwing.”
* Availability for further attack missions. For instance: “Adder1, Tango Alpha destroyed, Available” or “Adder1, Tango Alpha destroyed, Dakota.”
* SEAD. For instance: “Indy9, attacking SA-6” or “Indy9, SA-6 destroyed.”
Lavan Island N 26 48.47′ E 53 16.57′
6.1 Firuzabad Tango Orientation
6.2 Tango Alpha
Tango Alpha consists of four multistory buildings in close proximity.
Collateral considerations: The Al Namak Mosque is located north-east of tango.
6.3 Tango Charlie
Tango Charlie consists of six buildings of varied sized.
Collateral considerations. The Firzubad-Farashband Road runs north of tango. This road is usually busy in the mornings 7-9am and afternoons 4-7pm.
6.4 Tango Delta, Tango Echo
Tango Delta consists of nine buildings in close perimeter where the communication tower is a significant landmark.
Collateral considerations: The Shakkah Lakkah Market is located south-east of tango. The market is well-known for its wide variety of exotic spices and antique Persian rugs. Many European royals have visited and acquired rugs at the Shakkah Lakkah Market. Intelligence suggest a 80% probability that the market is closed on the given day.
Tango Echo consists of seven buildings.
Collateral considerations: Mullah Al-Dullah Kindergarten for diasabled children is located south-west of of tango. Mullah Al-Dullah is a prominent figure within the UNHCR community. Less than three weeks ago Italian UNHCR observer Appi Apolleri concluded her yearly revision of the kindergarten with “The Mullah is an incredibly warm man who’s good will might melt the coldest ice”.