RSVP: 22 10 26 – 23:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan)
Activity: Mission – CAP, Intercept, Air Interdiction, Strike
Theatre: Caucasus
Modules: A-10C, AJS 37, F-14B, F-16C, F/A-18C
Prerequisites: Basic Qualification Equivalent, rookies welcome
It is a beautiful spring day in Georgia. The warmth is finally here, having repelled the last of the winter, bringing the scents of many flowers, the bees, and the senses back to life. Most of the squadrons in the 55th Combined Air Expeditionary Force are long into rotation with the first squadron scheduled to rotate back to the United States in #twoweeks. So far, the deployment has been calm, just as with any prior deployment in the continuous Operation Caucasus Aegis.
Today, Bogdan himself accompanied by his “beautiful” cousin Svetlana Doshchokovnaya (1992 miss Kutaisi) are present at Kutaisi Air Base to inspect the facilities prior the departure of the Navy squadrons, while maintenance work around the clock to prepare aircraft for the long ferry flight home. Mags and Agaton are humiliating Bouncer and Fretz in beach volleyball. Bambi is harvesting exotic flowers. And Jax finalizes the planning for the afternoon flights. Life is calm, life is good. Home is calling.
The 55th Combined Air Expeditionary Force are tasked to uphold Georgian sovereignty by air patrols after the North Ossetian and South Ossetian incidents.
Georgia, Abkhazia, South Ossetia.
* 2 April 2021
* 1300 local time
* METAR UGKO 021250Z 32004KT 9000 BKN 7.5/12 SCT/BKN 21/23 SCT 40 Q2992/1013 NOSIG=
Russian MiG-21s, MiG-25s and MIG-29s are routinely patrolling Russian airspace north of the Caucausus mountains and South Ossetian air space.
The 55th Combined Air Expeditionary Force based at Kutaisi Air Base.
Civilian air traffic is active in the Caucasus.
Routine flight schedule to uphold Georgian souvernity and hone flying skills. See flights below.
In case of major Russian aggression:
Scenario A (SANTANDER): Russian violation of Georgian airspace. Mission: Fighter scramble.
Scenario B (BARCLAYS): Impending Russian invasion of Georgia. Mission: Fighter scramble. Strike fighter scramble to standby for:
Scenario C (GOLDMAN): Evident Russian invasion of Georgia. Mission:
1. Destroy bridges to Abkhazia (ANNEX B). Orientation, west to east:
a. Anakalia Bridge
b. Orsantia Bridge
c. Koki Bridge
d. Shamgona Bridge (Bridge NW of Shamgona Island)
e. Enguri Bridge
f. Pakhulani Bridge
2. Destroy the Roki Tunnel southern mouth (ANNEX C).
3. Destroy the Verkhny-Lars border crossing (ANNEX D).
4. Defend key locations in Georgia:
a. Vaziani Air Base (ANNEX E)
b. Vaziani Military Base HQ (east of Vaziani Air Base) (ANNEX E)
c. Bogdan’s world-renowned and multiple award-winning gourmet sausage factory (ANNEX F)
Uphold Georgian souvernity and hone flying skills.
No package.
See individual flight briefings for planned flight schedules.
Normal Condition, as per SPINS
Combat Condition, as per SPINS
Normal Condition ALR: LOW
As per SPINS
Combat Condition ALR: HIGH
As per SPINS
* 1326 Depart Kutaisi Air Base
* 1335 Strike Exercise at R114, simulated drops only, no live ammunition to be expended
* 1440 RTB
* Contingency GOLDMAN tasking: Strike the Roki Tunnel and Verkhny-Lars border crossing
Mission Loadout: 3x AIM-120C, 2x AIM-9X, 4x GBU-32, ATFLIR, 2x XT
1. R114
2. Roki Tunnel southern mouth
3. Verkhny-Lars border crossing
4. Vaziani Air Base
5. Vaziani Military Base / CAP Delta
6. Bogdan’s Factory / CAP Charlie
7. Kutaisi / CAP Bravo
8. CAP Alpha
* RTB Kutaisi Air Base from a NATO exercise in Turkey (air-start)
* Contingency GOLDMAN tasking: Defend Vaziani Air Base and Vaziani Military Base against air and ground attacks
Ferry Loadout: 2x AIM-9X, ATFLIR, 2x XT
Contingency loadout: 3x AIM-120C, 2x AIM-9X, 2x GBU-16, 1x AGM-65E, ATFLIR, 2x XT
1. Batumi Airport
2. Lanchuti Transition West
3. Roki Tunnel southern mouth
4. Verkhny-Lars border crossing
5. Vaziani Air Base
6. Vaziani Military Base / CAP Delta
7. Bogdan’s Factory / CAP Charlie
8. Kutaisi / CAP Bravo
9. CAP Alpha
* AWACS escort (air-start)
* RTB when escort relief flight INDY9 is on station, expect 1335
* Contingency GOLDMAN tasking: CAP, Intercept
Loadout: 5x AIM-120C, 2x AIM-9X, ATFLIR, 2x XT
1. CAP Alpha
2. CAP Bravo
3. CAP Charlie
4. CAP Delta
* 1328 Depart Kutaisi Air Base
* 1340 Rendevouz ARCO1 for AAR
* 1355 High aspect BFM exercise, harddeck A10, ceiling A25
* 1448 RTB
* Contingency GOLDMAN tasking: Intercept
Loadout: 5x AIM-120C, 2x AIM-9X, ATFLIR, 2x XT
1. CAP Alpha
2. CAP Bravo
3. CAP Charlie
4. CAP Delta
* 1324 Depart Kutaisi Air Base
* 1335 Defensive BFM exercise, harddeck A10, ceiling A25
* 1445 RTB Kutaisi
* Contingency GOLDMAN tasking: CAP, Intercept
Loadout: A/A, FL decides
1. CAP Alpha / Exercise mid-point, radius 15nm
2. CAP Bravo
3. CAP Charlie
4. CAP Delta
* 1318 Depart Kutaisi Air Base
* 1335 Relief CRIMSON3 as E-3C escort A29
* Remain on station until 1455
* Contingency GOLDMAN tasking: CAP, Intercept
Loadout: A/A, FL decides
1-2. Northern Air Patrol Track (Mountain Track)
3. CAP Charlie
3-4. South-Eastern Air Patrol Track (Capital Track)
4. CAP Delta
5-6. Western Air Patrol Track (Sea Track)
6. CAP Alpha
7-8. E-3C Patrol Track
9. Kutaisi / CAP Bravo
* 1322 Depart Kutaisi Air Base
* 1340 Establish Air Patrol along the Georgian border to Russia, south of the Caucasus mountains
* TOS 70 minutes, then RTB
* Contingency GOLDMAN tasking: CAP, Intercept
Loadout: A/A, FL decides
1-2. Northern Air Patrol Track (Mountain Track)
3. CAP Charlie
3-4. South-Eastern Air Patrol Track (Capital Track)
4. CAP Delta
5-6. Western Air Patrol Track (Sea Track)
6. CAP Alpha
7. Kutaisi / CAP Bravo
* No scheduled flight operation today
* Contingency GOLDMAN tasking: Intercept
Loadout: A/A FL, decides
1. Roki Tunnel southern mouth
2. Verkhny-Lars border crossing
3. Vaziani Military Base / CAP Delta
4. Bogdan’s Factory / CAP Charlie
5. Kutaisi / CAP Bravo
6. CAP Alpha
7. Bullseye
* No scheduled flight operation today
* Contingency GOLDMAN tasking: Strike the Roki Tunnel southern mouth. Re-arm and standby for intercept tasking.
Loadout: A/G / (A/A), FL decides
1. Roki Tunnel southern mouth
2. Verkhny-Lars border crossing
3. Vaziani Military Base / CAP Delta
4. Bogdan’s Factory / CAP Charlie
5. Kutaisi / CAP Bravo
6. CAP Alpha
7. Bullseye
* 1320 Depart Kutaisi Air Base
* 1332 AAR
* 1348 Interdiction Exercise at R99, simulated drops only, no live ammunition to be expended
* 1450 RTB
* Contingency GOLDMAN tasking: Strike the six bridges along the Georgian-Abkhazian border. Interdict enemy ground forces south of Enguri River.
Loadout: Full A/G loadout, FL decides
1. R99
2. Anakalia Bridge
3. Orsantia Bridge
4. Koki Bridge
5. Shamgona Bridge (Bridge NW of Shamgona Island)
6. Enguri Bridge
7. Pakhulani Bridge
* Kutaisi Air Base
* TCN: 44X
* Active runway: 25
* Departure via Exit North/West
* Approach via Entry East
No Carrier Strike Group present in the Black Sea.
As per Aerial Refueling SOP
* Mission commander is STINGRAY (AWACS)
* Air to Ground Commander is WHIPLASH (JSTAR)
As per Comms SOP
CAP C Ch 13
As per Authentication SOP
6, 7, 9, 3/5/8/10, 7
SANTANDER Russian violation of Georgian airspace
BARCLAYS impending Russian invasion of Georgia
GOLDMAN evident Russian invasion of Georgia (Combat Condition, ROE C, ALR HIGH)
Senaki-Kolhi N 42 15.00′ E 42 03.00′
ANNEX A. Tactical Map:
ANNEX B. Bridges over Enguri River:
ANNEX C. Roki Tunnel southern mouth:
ANNEX D. Verhkny-Lars border crossing north of Kazbegi:
ANNEX E. Vaziani Air Base (left) and Vaziani Military Base (right):
ANNEX F. A) Bogdan’s sausage factory. The secret sausage recipe is allegedly including a dash of Borjomi mineral water to further enrich the gastronomical experience. B) Borjomi mineral water plant:
Large size map of AO with all waypoints, tankers, carriers etc
Smaller maps of target areas with waypoints marked