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Operation Anglerfish

2023-04-27 @ 19:30 - 23:00

Currently Registered

1. Knugen F18 / AWACS 2. Bouncer F/A-18C 3. Blichten F/A-18C
4. Urist AWACS 5. Ulvar F/A-18C 6. frefeh F/A-18C
Attendance: 6 / ∞

Registrations are closed for this event

RSVP: 23 04 23 DD – 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan)
Activity: Mission – CAP, ASuW
Theatre: Marianas
Modules: F/A-18C, F-14B, AH-64, AV-8
Prerequisites: CASE3, night-time AAR may be required for CAP



1.1 Overview

Chinese warships are steaming for the Northern Mariana Islands. Repeated US calls for the group to turn around have been ignored and the order has been given to prepare a strike on hostile vessels. The USS Abraham Lincoln left Guam two days ago and has positioned itself between the Chinese ships and the islands. Its’ airgroup is all that stands in the way for the Chinese occupation force.

1.2 Area of operations

N/NW of Guam in the Phillipine Sea.

1.3 Time and weather

* June 01 – 2020
* 18:10 local time
* Overcast 6/18 19/21, Scattered 34
* Wind 354 / 18
* QNH 2979

1.4 Air threats

J-11, H-6J

J-11 fighters from the escorting carrier are expected to defend the convoy. H-6J bombers from mainland China have the range to attack blue naval assets, but only just.

1.5 Ground threats

Fleet air defences

1.6 Friendly forces

N/A, we are the only blue forces in the AO.

1.7 Civilian/3rd part

No civilian traffic in the area.


The USS George Washington’s airgroup will conduct a coordinated strike on the enemy convoy with Harpoon anti-ship missiles.


3.1 Commander’s intent

Damage the enemy convoy, and force it to turn back.

3.2 Packages

The mission contains 2 packages:
Hammerhead, consisting of all fixed-wing aircraft from the George Washington
Kitefin, consisting of Harriers and Apaches from the USS Tarawa

3.3 Order of events

Hammerhead package will split into two groups, each consisting of attack and escort aircraft. The attack aircraft will be assigned a set of coordinates and a time-on-station for weapons release. These two sets of coordinates will be equidistant from and on different sides of the enemy convoy. Simultaneous attacks from two different directions at the same time will have the largest chance of breaking through the convoys aerial defences.

ARCTIC1 will lead the first group, with their release point located at N21 8′ 50″ E138 37′ 04″
BENDER2 will lead the second group, with their release point located at N18 32′ 07″ E138 14′ 52″
The time on station is 19:40 local time, 1½ hours after mission start.

Kitefin package are on standby to respond to Chinese submarine threat and may perform night-time carrier operations practice meanwhile.

3.4 Rules of engagement

As per SPINS

3.5 Acceptable level of risk

As per SPINS

4.2 Carrier operations

* CASE 3
* Departure time: TBD
* Departure sequence: TBD

As per Carrier Ops SPINS

4.3 Tankers

As per Aerial Refueling SOP


5.1 Commander

* Mission commander is STINGRAY
* Package Hammerhead lead is TBD
* Package Kitefin lead is TBD

5.2 Frequencies

As per Comms SOP

5.3 Authentication

As per Authentication SOP

5.6 Brevity

* TANGOUNIFORM – Mission declared successful
* NIGHTFALL – Abort mission

5.7 Bullseye

N 18 54’42” E 144 57′ 48″


19:30 - 23:00
Event Category:

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