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German Invasion

2023-04-09 @ 19:30 - 21:30

RSVP: 23 04 09 – 12:00 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan)

Activity: Mission – CAP, Strike
Theatre: The Channel
Modules: Spit, Mossie, P47, P51, BF109, FW190
Prerequisites: The Channel map, ww2 asset pack and an aircraft as stated above


Spitfire LF Mk. IX (CAP)
STOUT31 : Goofy
STOUT32 : Knugen
STOUT33 : Fretz

Mosquito FB Mk. VI (Strike)
BITTER41 : Bouncer
BITTER42 : Fille

P47D-40 (CAP/Strike)

P51D-30 (CAP/Strike)
ALE21 : Urist
ALE22 : Gluestick
ALE23 : Apollo ALE24: Mink

BF109 K-4 (CAP)

PILS11: DeadGun


1.1 Overview
We have been invaded!
German forces have gained a foothold in Kent in the south-east part of the British mainland. Manston airfield has been overrun and is now operated by the Luftwaffe.
Canterbury is being brutally bombed and the Germans are advancing west with the intent to capture the town.
Trapped at the trainyard in Canterbury is a train with four fuel tanks. Fuel which is crucial for the continous operation of the allied airforce.
A group of JU88 bombers have been spotted 50 miles east north-east of Canterbury. Their goal is most certainly to bomb the trapped train. This threat must be neutralized at all costs.
Scouts have spotted an Artillery installment in Wingham to the East of Canterbury. Canterbury is being barraged with artillery, something that must come to an end.
German fighters on combat air patrols can be expected throughout the area. BF109 and FW190 stationed at Manston have been seen roaming the countryside.
Allied air operations are carried out from Detling (Spits and Mossies) and High Halden (P51 and P47). Pick a loadout of your choice and good hunting!

1.2 Area of operations
The counties of Essex and Kent. The south-east part of the British mainland. The terrain is mostly flat countryside with scattered villages and small towns.

1.3 Time and weather
* May 01 – 1944
* 10:00 local time
* Light scattered, base 7000′
* Wind NW / 16 knots @ 6600′
* QNH 2992 / 1013

1.4 Air threats
BF109, FW190, JU88

1.5 Ground threats
Unknown, presumed mix of armoured vehicles and AA installments around enemy airfields (Manston) and Artillery postions (Wingham)

1.6 Friendly forces
Infantry, armor and artillery in the vicinity of Canterbury.

1.7 Civilian/3rd part


The allied airforce is tasked with neutralizing the enemy bombers and the german artillery spotted at Wingham.

Primary target: JU88 Bombers coming in from the East North East of Canterbury
Secondary target: Artillery installments in the vicinity of Wingham


3.1 Commander’s intent
Prevent the bombers from destroying the fuel train stationed at Canterbury trainyard. Eliminate any artillery spotted east of Wingham. Fight back the german air patrols.

3.2 Packages
The mission contains 1 package, callsign BREWERY. All allied flights are part of package BREWERY.

3.3 Order of events
This operation is divided into four phases where the first three can be conducted at will: Destruction of enemy JU88, Strike on Artillery installments at Wingham, Destruction of enemy CAP, RTB.

1. Spitfires will neutralize the JU88 coming in from East North East. Assistance from our American friends might be needed.

2. Mosquitos are tasked with the destruction of enemy artillery at Wingham. If needed ask other flights to assist.

3. P47D, P51D CAP/Strike. On the lookout for enemy fighters

4. RTB no later than 12am local time.


4.1 Airfield operations
* Detling
* Active runway: Southward

* High Halden
* Active runway: Eastward


5.1 Commander
* Package BREWERY lead is STOUT31

5.2 Frequencies
As per “https://wiki.masterarms.se/index.php/Comms#Channels_and_Frequencies”

5.6 Brevity
* PALEALE – Mission declared successful
* BEERBUST – Abort mission
* MÄRZEN – Enemy JU88 neutralized
* WEISSBIER – Enemy Artillery position neutralized

Target Alpha (JU88)
Target Bravo (Artillery)

Large size map of AO
Smaller maps of target areas


19:30 - 21:30



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Currently Registered

1. Urist Mossie/47/51 2. Fretz Spitfire 3. Goofy79 Spitfire 4. Knugen Spit eller Mossie 5. Fille Mossie/Spit 6. GlueStick P-51
7. Apollo12 P47D/P51D 8. Mink P-51 9. Bouncer Mosquito / Spitfire 10. DeadGun_SWE Bf-109 11. ironsavior Spitfire 12. nordeback Spitfire
Attendance: 12 / ∞

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