RSVP: 2023-03-16 – 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan)
Activity: Mission – SEAD, Strike, CAP, Air Interdiction
Theatre: Persian Gulf
Modules: F/A-18C, F-16, F-14B, A-10C, AH-64, M2000
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of selected aircraft, AAR, CASE1 for F18/F14
The terrorist group known as Black Dawn are gathering in strenght and number. We must immediately launch an coordinated preemptive surprice strike attack on their airfields, ground troops and eletrical supply to ensure peace in the region.
PERSIAN GULF in MGRS zones CQ and BP-CP. The grounds are moustly flat desert.
* May 01 – 2021
* 05:55 local time
* Scattered (12000′)
* Wind 128 / 6
* FORCE QNH 2992 / 1013
MiG-29, SU-27
MiG-29s, and SU-27s have been reported. Expect main threat from closest enemy air bases, located throughout the mission area. Intel estimates that the Terrorist Air Force will have no routine CAP over target area but will launch an unknown number of fighters in short succession from bases close thoughout our area of operations.
T72, BTR80, SPAAA ZU-23, Scout HL, Infantry
SA-2, SA-3, SA-6, SA-8, SA-10, SA-11
N/A, we are the only blue forces in the AO.
No Civilian air traffic is reported.
Disable the air defence of Qeshm Island, Tunb Island, Abu Musa Island and the surrounding ground troops in the vicinity of the enemy airfields marked as primary and secondary targets so that our support airplanes can land and setup air defences. Strike electric supply NNE of Qeshm Island Airport (Outside Bandar Khamir).
Destroy all primary targets in the AO.
All flight s are ordered to remain in mission area after primary and secondary target strike for further tasking if able.
The mission contains 2 packages, callsign WOLFPACK and COYOTES. Flights ARTIC, BENDER, RAGE, ELVIS and QUEBEC are WOLFPACK. Flights INDY and HAWG are COYOTES.
1. Gather all flights at their IP for a joint attack codeword FIRESTARTER.
2. At codeword FIRESTARTER from mission commander flights ARTIC and BENDER attack their primary targets (SA8s) and secondary targets (SA11 site. Intel reveals that hitting the “Snow Drift SR” will disable the site).
3. INDY attack their primary (SA8s) and if able their secondary targets.
Report HOMERUN for WOLFPACK and PAVEWAY for COYOTES to signal that primary area is “safe” (from SA8s) for RAGE and HAWG to advance. Report FREEPLAY for WOLFPACK to signal to RAGE that the secondary SA site i disabled making the all area around Qeshm Island Airfield safe from SAM threats. Report ROADRUNNER for COYOTES to signal that the secondary SA8s at Abu Musa Island are disabled.
4. With enemy SA8 destroyed RAGE and HAWG move in to clear primary enemy airfields (Qeshm Island and Tunb Island).
5. With enemy air defences at Qeshm Island and north of Qeshm Island destroyed ELVIS and QUEBEC strikes Electric Supply. Report LABYRINTH after completed strike.
6. All flights CAP the airspace surrounding primary enemy airfields (Qeshm Island and Tunb Island) to defend RAGE and HAWG at all cost.
7. With primary enemy airfields (Qeshm Island, Tunb Island and Abu Musa Island) cleared our supply airplanes will (airfield by airfield) land and setup air defences (HAWK).
8. If able all flight are to support RAGE and HAWG and destroy groundtargets of oppertunity.
Thoughout the mission our enemy are sure to launch fighters after our first strike. First priority is to make sure RAGE and HAWG are kept alive to be able the clear out those primary airfields.
Execution grouping: 1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8.
As per SPINS
Addition: Weapons free on all enemy SCUD installations unless they are moving into built up areas.
As per SPINS
* Depart from CVN-72
* Hold at IP south of Qeshm Island Airfield at 25000’ Flight time from HB: 9min at M0.8
* Destroy SA-8s at Qeshm Island Airfield and targets of interest.
* Destroy SA-11 northwest of Qeshm Island Airfield.
(ARCTIC reports HOMERUN to WOLFPACK on success against SA8 sites. BENDER reports FREEPLAY to WOLFPACK on success againt SA11 site)
* Escort and defend RAGE9 as they take out units at Qeshm Island Airfield.
* Report in to STINGRAY and standby for CAP tasking
* RTB on order from STINGRAY
* Refuel if neaded at ARCO1 or ARCO5
Loadout: 9x, 2xAIM-120C, FT330, AIM-120C, FT330, AtFLIR, 2xGBU-12 (ROBIN: 2xAIM-120C), 2xAIM-120C, 9X
1. IP (Hold point)
2. Primary target of Qeshm Island Airfield. (CAP NORTH)
3. Secondary target SA site northwest of Qeshm Island Airfield.
* Depart from CVN-72
* Hold at IP south of Qeshm Island Airfield at 27000’ Flight time from HB: 9min at M0.8
* Destroy SA-8s at Qeshm Island Airfield targets of interest.
* Destroy SA-11 northwest of Qeshm Island Airfield.
(ARCTIC reports HOMERUN to WOLFPACK on success against SA8 sites. BENDER reports FREEPLAY to WOLFPACK on success againt SA11 site)
* Escort and defend RAGE9 as they take out units at Qeshm Island Airfield.
* Report in to STINGRAY and standby for CAP tasking
* RTB on order from STINGRAY
* Refuel if neaded at ARCO1 or ARCO5
Loadout: 9x, 2xAIM-120C, FT330, AIM-120C, FT330, AtFLIR, 2xJSOW (ROBIN: 2xAIM-120C), 2xAIM-120C, 9X
1. IP (Hold point)
2. Primary target of Qeshm Island Airfield. (CAP NORTH)
3. Secondary target SA site northwest of Qeshm Island Airfield.
* Depart from CVN-72
* Hold between your WP1 and WP2 at 28000’, but stay out of SA range
* After FIRESTARTER stand by for CAP tasking if needed.
* RTB on order from STINGRAY
* Refuel if neaded at TEXACO2 or TEXACO4
Loadout: 9x, 2xAIM-120C, FT330, AIM-120C, FT330, AtFLIR, FT330, 2xAIM-120C, 9X
* Depart from Khasab
* Hold at HA1 south of Qeshm Island Airfield. This is your IP (Hold point). Flight time from HB: 11min at 130km/h.
* Push on HOMERUN to HA2. Advance further at own risk.
* Destroy all targets at Qeshm Island Airfield to enable friendly transport flight to land.
* Remain on station until ordered to RTB by STINGRAY
Loadout: Hellfires and M261 HE Hydra.
1. HB (Khasab)
2. HA1 (Safe zone)
3. HA2 (Feet dry safe zone after HOMERUN)
4. TGT (Primary targets at Qeshm Island Airfield)
5. BE
* Depart from CVN-72
* Hold at IP (Hold point) southeast of Qeshm Island Airfield at 28000’. Flight time from HB: 9min at M0.8
* Push when SA sites at and around Qeshm Island Airfield are offline.
* Destroy eletrical supply. Report LABYRINTH.
* Report in to STINGRAY and standby for CAP tasking
* Remain on station until ordered to RTB by STINGRAY
* Refuel if neaded at ARCO1 or ARCO5
Loadout: 9M, AIM-54C, FT300, AIM-54C, 2xMK-84, AIM-54C, FT300, AIM-54C, 9M
1. BE
IP – hold point
ST – Surface target (eletrical supply)
DP – Defensive position (CAP North)
* Depart from Al Minhad
* Hold at IP (Hold point) southeast of Qeshm Island Airfield at 26000’. Flight time from HB: 10min at M0.8
* Push when SA sites at and around Qeshm Island Airfield are offline.
* Destroy eletrical supply. Report LABYRINTH.
* Report in to STINGRAY and standby for CAP tasking
* Remain on station until ordered to RTB by STINGRAY
* Refuel if neaded.
Loadout: Magic2, 530D, MK-82, MK-82, XT, MK-82, MK-82, 530D, Magic2
1. IP (Hold point)
3. Primary target (eletrical supply)
4. BE
* Depart from Al Minhad
* Hold at IP. Flight time from HB: 15min at 250kts.
* Push on PAVEWAY.
* Destroy all targets at Tunb Island airfield to enable friendly transport flight to land.
* If able, destroy secondary targets at Tunb Kuckak airfield.
* Remain on station until ordered to RTB by STINGRAY
Loadout: 2xAIM-9M, Litening, 3xAGM-65H, BRU-42 (LAU-131), , BRU-42 (LAU-131), 3xAGM-65H, LAU-131, ALQ-184
1. IP (Hold point)
2. Primary targets at Tunb Island airfield.
3. Secondary targets at Abu Musa airfield.
4. BE
5. Al Maktoum (HB)
* Depart from Al Dhafra
* Hold at IP south of Tunb Island at 25000’ Flight time from HB: 15min at M0.8
* Destroy SA-8s at Tunb Island airfield targets of interest.
(INDY reports PAVEWAY to COYOTES on success against SA8 sites at Tunb Island airfield)
* If able, destroy secondary SA8s at Abu Musa airfield.
(INDY reports ROADRUNNER to COYOTES on success against SA8 sites at Abu Musa airfield)
* Report in to STINGRAY and standby for CAP tasking
* Remain on station until ordered to RTB by STINGRAY
* Refuel if neaded at TEXACO2 or TEXACO4
Loadout: AIM-120C,AIM-120C,2xGBU-12, FT370, Litening, FT300, – , FT370,AIM-120C,AIM-120C,AIM-120C
1. IP (Hold point)
2. Primary targets at Tunb Island airfield.
3. Secondary targets at Abu Musa airfield.
5. BE
* Depart from Al Dhafra
* Hold at IP south of Abu Musa at 25000’ Flight time from HB: 12min at M0.8
* Report in to STINGRAY and standby for CAP tasking
* RTB on order from STINGRAY
* Refuel if neaded at TEXACO2 or TEXACO4
Loadout: AIM-120C, AIM-120C, AIM-120C, FT370, Litening, FT300, – , FT370, AIM-120C, AIM-120C, AIM-120C
1. IP (Hold point)
3. BE
* Al Dhafra
* TCN: 96X
* Active runway: 13
* Departure via Exit East
* Approach via Entry West
* Khasab
* TCN: –
* Active runway: –
* Departure via Exit North
* Approach via Entry North
* Al Minhad
* TCN: –
* Active runway: 09
* Departure via Exit North
* Approach via Entry West
* TCN: 72X
* CASE 1
* BRC: 137
* Departure time: ASAP.
* Departure sequence: ELVIS, ARTIC, BENDER, CRIMSON.
* Charlie time: 08.30.
As per Carrier Ops SPINS
As per Aerial Refueling SOP
* Mission commander is BENDER2-1
* Mission commander deputy is ARCTIC1-1
* Package WOLFPACK lead is RAGE9. Package COYOTES lead is HAWG8
As per Comms SOP
As per Authentication SOP
7, 9, 5/10, 7
Remain on Tower (ch 7) during startup and departure. Go to IP Check in (ch 9) as secondary coms.
Expect Tactical and CAP (ch 3) for WOLFPACK as primary coms.
Expect Tactical and CAP (ch 10) for COYOTES as primary coms.
Use Tower (ch 7) for recovery.
1, 9, 5/10, 16, 1
Remain on Tower (ch 1) during startup and departure. Go to IP Check in (ch 9) as secondary coms.
Expect Tactical and CAP (ch 3) for WOLFPACK as primary coms.
Expect Tactical and CAP (ch 10) for COYOTES as primary coms.
Use Marshal (ch 16) and Tower (ch 1) for recovery.
If your flight doesn’t have two separate coms, stay on CH9.
* TANGOUNIFORM – Mission declared successful
* FIRESTARTER – All SEAD flights attacks primary targets.
* HOMERUN – SA8 sites at Qeshm Island Airfield are disabled
* FREEPLAY – SA11 site northwest of Qeshm Island Airfield are disabled
* PAVEWAY – SA8 sites at Tunb Island airfield are disabled
* ROADRUNNER – SA8 sites at Abu Musa Airfield are disabled
* LABYRINTH – Eletrical supply destoyed
* NIGHTFALL – Abort mission
N N 26 032.46 E 55 016.49
Large size map of AO with SA threat area and unit icons of interest (not actual position)