RSVP: 25 03 27 – 19:30 (please sign-up asap though, as it makes things easier to plan)
Activity: Mission – CAP
Theatre: Syria
Modules: F-14B, F-15C/E, F-16C, F/A-18C
Prerequisites: Case 1 for Navy
Placeholder for upcoming mission.
January 24th, 1991. A week into operation Desert Storm. Thousands of sorties have been flown against targets in Iraq and Kuwait. As of yet, the Iraqis have offered very little resistance but their Air Force has not been completely defeated and the Navy knows all too well what their French-made Exocet missiles are capable of…
The focus of this mission will be the Tomcats defending the carrier battle groups in the Persian Gulf. Eagles, Vipers and Hornets will also be featured but if you ever wanted to grow a larger set of… yeah, you know… then now is the time! 😉